1. The function My_avail_tour count can simply return the ________
Correct : A. Size of the process’ stack
2. MPI provides a function ________, for packing data into a buffer of contiguous
Correct : A. MPI_Pack
3. Two MPI_Irecv calls are made specifying different buffers and tags, but the same sender and request location. How can one determine that the buffer specified in the first call has valid data?
Correct : C. Call MPI_Wait twice with the same request
4. Which of the following statements is not true?
Correct : A. MPI_lsend and MPI_Irecv are non-blocking message passing routines of MPI
5. Which of the following is not valid with reference to Message Passing
Interface (MPI)?
Correct : C. All parallelism is implicit
6. An _____________ is a program that finds the solution to an n-body problem
by simulating the behavior of the particles.
Correct : B. n-body solver
7. For the reduced n-body solver, a ________________ will best distribute the
workload in the computation of the forces.
Correct : A. cyclic distribution
8. Parallelizing the two n-body solvers using _______________ is very similar to
parallelizing them using OpenMP.
Correct : C. Pthreads
9. The run-times of the serial solvers differed from the single-process MPI
solvers by ______________.
Correct : B. less than 1%
10. Each node of the tree has an_________________ , that is, the cost of the partial
Correct : A. Euler‘s method
11. Using _____________ we can systematically visit each node of the tree that could possibly lead to a least-cost solution.
Correct : A. depth-first search
12. The newly created stack into our private stack, set the newstack variable to_____________.
Correct : C. NULL
13. The ____________________ is a pointer to a block of memory allocated by the
user program and buffersize is its size in bytes.
Correct : B. node tasks
14. A _____________ function is called by Fulfillrequest.
Correct : B. Splitstack
15. The cost of stack splitting in the MPI implementation is quite high; in addition to the cost of the communication, the packing and unpacking is very ________________.
Correct : B. time- consuming
16. _____________ begins by checking on the number of tours that the process
has in its stack.
Correct : A. Terminated
17. The ____________ is the distributed-memory version of the OpenMP busywait loop.
Correct : B. while(1) loop
18. ______________ sent to false and continue in the loop.
Correct : A. work_request
19. ________________ takes the data in data to be packed and packs it into
Correct : B. MPI_Pack
20. The _______________ function when executed by a process other than 0 sends
its energy to process 0.