
Recent Trends in Western Philosophy | Set 1

1. Structuralism originated and developed in which place?

Correct : B. france

2. By whom the foundation of structuralism had been laid?

Correct : C. ferdinand de saussure

3. Radicalizing and challenging position of structuralism is known as…………?

Correct : B. post structuralism

4. The main proponents of post structuralism …………?

Correct : D. all the above

5. General science of sign is known as…………?

Correct : A. semiology

6. Science of language is known as …………?

Correct : A. philology

7. Which is the primary mode of being of language?

Correct : C. speech

8. What is the literal meaning of French term Langue?

Correct : A. tongue

9. The study of elementary speech sounds or Phonemes of a given language is known as …………?

Correct : D. phonology

10. Smallest meaningful unit of speech sounds within any one language is defined as …………?

Correct : B. morpheme

11. The study of morphemes is known as …………?

Correct : C. morphology

12. Theoretician who applied Structuralism to literary texts and such cultural artifacts is …………?

Correct : A. roland barthes

13. On which period, post structuralism become prominent?

Correct : A. 1970’s

14. The term that refers to recent theories of criticism and intellectual enquires in general is known as …………?

Correct : C. post structuralism

15. Name the post structural thinker who groomed in the phenomenological tradition of Edmund Husserl and Heidegger?

Correct : A. derrida

16. Who proclaimed the ‘Death of the Author’ in the article published in 1968?

Correct : B. barthes

17. ‘Disappearance of the author’ is the term coined by …………?

Correct : A. michel faucault

18. Derrida calls ‘preference for presence over absence’ as …………?

Correct : C. metaphysics of presence

19. Name the Husserl Scholar and critic from the following philosophers?

Correct : A. jacques derrida

20. ‘Speech and Phenomenon’ is written by …………?

Correct : C. jacques derrida

21. Who is the most prominent theoretician and practitioner of ‘Deconstruction’ …………?

Correct : B. derrida

22. One of the key term in Derrida’s thought is …………?

Correct : C. difference

23. Where did logical positivism originated?

Correct : C. austria & germany

24. Famous treatise Peri Hermeneias is developed by …………?

Correct : C. aristotle

25. Treatise on the Science of Interpretation is written by …………?

Correct : D. felde

26. Who is the father of modern Hermeneutics?

Correct : C. schleiermacher

27. ‘The Rise of Hermeneutics’ is written by…………?

Correct : C. dilthey

28. What is the central concept of Gadamer’s theory?

Correct : A. fusion of horizons

29. Select the members of Vienna circle from the following list?

Correct : D. all the above

30. Who gave a lasting contribution to scientific philosophy?

Correct : B. kant

31. ‘Philosophy of Natural Science’ is written by…………?

Correct : B. carl hempel

32. From the following which is the characteristics of modern period?

Correct : D. all of the above

33. Modern period is form ………… century to ………… century.

Correct : A. 16th century to middle of 20th century

34. The term Hermeneutics derived from which language?

Correct : C. greek

35. What is the word meaning of Hermeneutics?

Correct : A. to interpret

36. Bring the exact three directions of the term Hermeneutics?

Correct : A. expression, explanation, translation.

37. Who is the father of Hermeneutics?

Correct : D. gadamer

38. Truth and Method written by?

Correct : A. gadamer

39. The pre – phenomenological period of Husserl is known as…………?

Correct : B. philosophical infancy

40. In which work Husserl refuted psychologism?

Correct : D. logical investigations

41. Phenomenological period of Husserl is known as …………?

Correct : A. philosophical maturity

42. The notion of intentionality can be clarified with………….?

Correct : B. four characteristics

43. The core of Husserl’s philosophy is the …………?

Correct : B. notion of essence

44. Eidetic Reduction is a …………?

Correct : B. positive aspect

45. Which is known as the most famous work of Heidegger?

Correct : A. being and time

46. Dasein’s authentic being towards death is known as?

Correct : C. anticipation

47. The divine of Heidegger can be thought only in the light of …………?

Correct : D. truth of being

48. Who is known as the father of Existentialism?

Correct : A. kierkegaard

49. What is the centre aspect of Kierkegaardian Philosophy?

Correct : D. individual

50. Which are the two ways for Buber to approach any reality?

Correct : C. i – thou and i – it

51. --------- was the central figure of Vienna Circle

Correct : B. Mortiz Schlick

52. --------- is considered as the father of Existentialism

Correct : B. Kierkegaard

53. The principle of verification was advocated by :

Correct : B. Logical positivism

54. Edmund Husserl is the leading figure in :

Correct : B. Phenomenology

55. Intentionality is a key concept in ;

Correct : C. Phenomenology

56. Who among the following belongs to Structuralism

Correct : B. Saussure

57. The term ‘epoche’ is associated with

Correct : D. Husserl

58. The term ‘bracketing’ is associated with

Correct : B. Phenomenology

59. ‘Man is a useless passion’ This statement relates to ----

Correct : D. Sartre

60. Sartre and Heidegger belong to :

Correct : A. Existentialism

61. The ‘Vienna Circle’ is associated with ---------

Correct : C. Logical positivism

62. According to A J Ayer ethical statements are :

Correct : B. Empirical

63. Who among the following is a theist existentialist

Correct : B. Kierkegaard

64. ‘Logical investigations ‘ is the work of :

Correct : C. Husserl

65. The science which explains or interprets the text is known as

Correct : D. Hermeneutics

66. Heidegger and Sartre are the --------- existentialist

Correct : A. Atheist

67. Which one of the following is not an existentialist

Correct : D. Kant

68. Who among the following is considered as the Logical positivist

Correct : C. Carnap

69. ‘Logical Atomism’ was propounded by

Correct : D. Russel

70. ‘Eliminate all metaphysics’ is the motto of -----

Correct : C. Logical positivism

71. Who among the following belongs to Logical Atomism

Correct : C. Locke

72. ‘Tractatus –Logico Philosophicus ‘ is a workwritten by :

Correct : B. Wittgenstein

73. ‘Existence precedes Essence’ is advocated by :

Correct : C. Extentialism

74. According to Husserl , all consciousness by its very nature is ------

Correct : C. Intentional

75. Who among the following is the teacher of Husserl

Correct : C. Brentano

76. ‘Of Grammatology’ is the work of :

Correct : A. Derrida

77. A J Ayer belongs to which among the following

Correct : B. Logical positivism

78. ‘Psychology from empirical standpoint’ is written by :

Correct : D. Brentano

79. Which one of the following is the work of Husserl :

Correct : C. Ideas

80. Who among the following is an existentialist

Correct : C. Sartre

81. According to -------- truth exists in subjectivity

Correct : B. Existentialism

82. ‘ Either --- or’ is the work of -------

Correct : C. Kierkegaard

83. The term Dasein was introduced by :

Correct : B. Heidegger

84. According to Heidegger ,the basic mood of man is :

Correct : B. Dread

85. ---------------- is the author of TractatusLogicoPhilosophicus.

Correct : B. Wittgenstein

86. ---------------- is the author of Language , Truth and Logic.

Correct : C. A J Ayer

87. “All wives are married “is an example of ----------- proposition.

Correct : C. Tautologus

88. ----------------- propositions do not give us any information about the world.

Correct : A. Analytical

89. According to ------------ proposition must be verified to be meaningful.

Correct : A. logical positivist

90. According to -----------, there are only two sources of knowledge: logical reasoning and empirical experience

Correct : A. logical positivism

91. The fundamental thesis of ----------- consists in denying the possibility of synthetic a priori knowledge.

Correct : A. logical positivism

92. According to ------------The meaning of a statement is its method of verification;

Correct : A. logical positivist

93. In Tractatus, ---------- states that a proposition describes reality.

Correct : B. Wittgenstein

94. ------------ is the author of The Logical Syntax of Language,

Correct : C. Carnap

95. According to -------------the structure of language is determined by the structure of reality.

Correct : B. Wittgenstein

96. ------------ claimed that words should be thought of as tools and that, in most cases at least, the meaning of a word is just its use in the language.

Correct : B. Wittgenstein

97. Vienna Circle was chaired by -----------.

Correct : A. Schlick

98. The philosophical position of the Vienna Circle was called -------------------.

Correct : B. Logical Empiricism

99. The ----------- Circle was a group of scientifically trained philosophers and philosophically interested scientists who met under the leadership of Moritz Schlick.

Correct : C. Vienna

100. ----------- is the author of TractatusLogicoPhilosophicus.

Correct : B. Wittgenstein