
Organizational Structure | Set 1

1. Organisation establishes relationship between

Correct : A. People, work and resources

2. Organisation is a process of

Correct : C. Both ‘A’ and ‘B’

3. Responsibility always flows from

Correct : B. Subordinate to superior

4. Authority always flows from

Correct : A. Superior to subordinate

5. ‘No one on the organisation should have more than one boss’ is a statement of

Correct : C. Principle of unity of command

6. The number of persons which can be effectively supervised by a single executive or departmental head should be limited to ___ in an average firm.

Correct : A. Six

7. The following is not a principle of organisation

Correct : C. Principle of complexity

8. As per the principle of balance, there should be balance between

Correct : D. All of the above

9. The following is not a type of organisation structure

Correct : D. Flexible organisation

10. The following is also known as Military organisation

Correct : A. Line organisation

11. In line organisation, the business activities are divided into following three types

Correct : A. Accounts, Production, Sales

12. In which of the following organisation structure, each specialist is supposed to give his functional advice to all other foremen and workers

Correct : B. Functional organisation

13. Which organisation structure is generally followed by big steel plants?

Correct : C. Line and staff organisation

14. The process of dividing the work and then grouping them into units and subunits for the purpose of administration is known as

Correct : A. Departmentation

15. Departmentation is a process where

Correct : D. All of the above

16. Departmentation leads to grouping of

Correct : C. Both ‘A’ and ‘B’

17. The department can be created

Correct : D. All of the above

18. In hospitals, the following type of departmentation is common

Correct : A. By function