
Heat Engines | Set 1

1. Octane number of petrol generally available is in the range

Correct : E. 80 to 100

2. In spark ignition engines, the knocking tendency is reduced by

Correct : D. Adding dope like tetra ethy lead to the fuel

3. In thermodynamic analysis, a pure substance is that which

Correct : B. May have a number of chemical species that the composition remains constant

4. Leaking radiator tubes are generally

Correct : A. Soldered

5. When steam expands without doing mechanical work, its enthalpy

Correct : C. Does not change

6. Generally steam turbines in power station operate at

Correct : B. 3000 RPM

7. Thermionic converters are based on

Correct : D. Transfer of electrons

8. Anthydrous substance is

Correct : E. Free of water specially water of crystallization

9. Fuel which detonates easily is

Correct : D. n-Heptane

10. In compression ignition engine fuel ignition accelerators are added to

Correct : A. Reduce combustion knock

11. Working pressure of a boiler does not depend upon

Correct : E. Type of fuel being fired

12. Oil rings are slotted to

Correct : E. Provide an escape for the oil that the slot edges cut from the cylinder wall

13. A gas turbine cycle operates through pressures ratio of 5. Air enters the compressor at atmospheric pressure and 25?C and entry to the turbine is at 800?C. The thermal efficiency of the plant has been found to be 37%. Now, if compressor and turbine efficiencies of 80% are taken into account, the value, of thermal efficiency will be

Correct : D. 17.75%

14. The chemical usually added for increasing the knock resistance of a petrol engine is

Correct : A. Tetra-ethy lead

15. Pure cetane

Correct : C. Is a straight chain paraffin

16. In aircraft using gas turbine the cycle used is

Correct : D. Simple

17. Which of the following automobile is relatively free from pollution problems

Correct : C. Batterly powered

18. During idling a petrol engine requires

Correct : A. Rich mixture

19. A diesel engine is to be redesigned to improve the overload capacity. The design feature which will be influenced is

Correct : E. All of the above

20. Which of the following pollutants result from automobile exhaust?

Correct : E. All of the above

21. Which is incorrect?

Correct : E. None of the above

22. Coking is

Correct : B. Heating of coal in absence of air driving carbon and leaving behind the residue of carbon

23. In a diesel engine the inlet pressure is more than the atmospheric pressure. Therefore; it can be concluded that

Correct : E. The engine is supercharged

24. In a impulse turbine while steam flows through the moving blades

Correct : B. Velocity reduces

25. A hydrograph is a plot of discharge through a river versus

Correct : A. Time

26. A gas used in gas engine trial was tested in a Boys Calorimeter. The pressure of gas supply was 7 cm of water column. If the barometric pressure is 760 mm of mercury, the absolute pressure of the gas would be

Correct : C. 1.04 kg/sq-cm

27. A cross-head has

Correct : A. Reciprocating motion

28. An average percentage of Carbon and Hydrogen in Petrol may be roughly given as

Correct : D. 85% C, 150% H2

29. The overload capacity of diesel engine is usually around

Correct : E. 10%

30. A gas turbine plant operates between 1 ata and 9 ata with minimum and maximum cycle temperature of 25?C and 1000?C. A two stage compressor is provided with perfect intercooling and work is equally divided between the two stages. The intermediate pressure will be

Correct : B. 3 ata

31. In cse the exhaust silencer of a petrol engine is partly choked, it is likely to result in

Correct : B. Increased fuel consumption

32. Which of the following engine uses two fuel simultaneously?

Correct : B. Duel fuel engine

33. Which of the following constituent of air has the least proportion?

Correct : B. Xenon

34. Which of the following is a false statement. A multicylinder diesel engine is missing on one or more cylinders. The cause may be

Correct : D. Air cleaner plugged

35. If a steam injector lifts the water but fails to force it into the boiler, the trouble may not be due to

Correct : C. Sry steam

36. Which one of the following symptoms will not show that combustion is becessary complete.

Correct : D. Presence of nitrogen in exhaust

37. Presence of impurities in ice

Correct : B. Lowers melting point

38. Piston rod is provided in

Correct : B. Double acting steam engines

39. The pressure of steam generated in a boiler as recorded by the Bourdon pressure gauge was 2.2 kg/sq-cm. If the barometer reads 774 mm of mercury the absolute pressure of steam would be

Correct : E. 3.2526 kg/sq-cm

40. Which statement is false in case of SI engines

Correct : A. Accetylene has least tendency to knocking

41. In a petrol engine as the speed increases

Correct : D. The spark has to be retarded

42. In thermodynamics, forced processes are those

Correct : D. Which require an agency outside the system to force the process

43. The steam in a boiler drum is always

Correct : D. Wet

44. Which of the following is false statement? The cause of slow cranking of a gas engine during starting may be

Correct : C. High air temperature

45. The work done on a compressor will be least when air is taken from

Correct : B. Source of low temperature air

46. A coal contains 3.5% sulphur by weight, as fired, and all the sulphur may be assumed to go to formation of sulphur dioxide. How many tonnes of SO2 are produced per day of the firing rate is 35 tonnes per hour

Correct : D. 58.8

47. The total length of 40 mid-ordinates on a simple steam engine indicator diagram is 17 cm. The pressure scale is 0.6 kg/sq-cm. The mean effective pressure would be

Correct : C. 1.0 kg/sq-cm

48. Free air is air at

Correct : E. Atmospheric conditions at any specific location

49. De-Laval turbine is mostly used

Correct : A. For small powers at high speeds

50. Air fuel ratio for a jet engine is of the order of

Correct : C. 60 ; 1

51. A petrol engine as compared to diesel engine (both running at full load) is

Correct : B. Less efficient

52. Which one of the following assumptions is not involved while deriving relation for air standard efficiency of Otto cycle?

Correct : A. The engine operates at mederate rpm

53. Which of the following needs constant cleaning in a diesel engine?

Correct : C. Air, fuel and lubricating oil

54. Bagasse is

Correct : A. Fibrous portion of sugarcane left after extracting the juice

55. During regenerative feed heating

Correct : C. Part of the steam is bled from turbine for feed water heating

56. A jet engine has

Correct : C. No propeller

57. Anti-knock for compression ignition engines is

Correct : C. Hexadecane

58. Which statement is incorrect?

Correct : D. Morse test can be conducted on CFR engine.

59. Advantage of a diesel engine over petrol engine is

Correct : A. Low fuel consumption at full load as well as part load

60. Forced circulation of water does not take place in which of the following boiler?

Correct : D. Lancashire boiler

61. In multistage compression, perfect intercooling means

Correct : A. Temperature of air at inlet to subsequent stages is equal to initial temperature

62. The battery used in vespa scooter is

Correct : A. No battery is used in the scooters

63. Which variety of coal has low calorific value?

Correct : C. Lignite

64. Stoichiometric ratio is

Correct : B. Chemically correct air-fuel ratio by weight

65. Hot spots are

Correct : D. The spots where heavier fractions of fuel are vaporised

66. Air required for complete combustion of 1 kg of carbon is 11.6 kg. If a fuel contains 88.6% Carbon and 11.4% Hydrogen, the air requirement will

Correct : D. Remain unaltered

67. Volumetric efficiency of a well designed engine may be in the range

Correct : C. 75 to 90 percent

68. If the boiler chimney emission consists of dense white smoke, then it can be concluded that

Correct : B. Insufficient air has been supplied for combustion

69. Compression ratio in case of gas engines waries in the range

Correct : B. 5 to 10

70. A back pressure generally operates on pressures in the range

Correct : B. 15 - 40 kg/cm2

71. In automobiles as the speed of vehicle increases the back pressure

Correct : D. Depends on other factors

72. A mechanical indicator is used to determine

Correct : B. Indicated horse power

73. During adiabatic compression

Correct : A. No heat leaves or enters the system

74. Safety valve generally used on high pressure boiler is

Correct : D. Spring type

75. Which of the following engine indicator has least inertia effects?

Correct : C. CRO engine indicator

76. Calorific value of methane gas can be determined by

Correct : D. None of the above

77. Which one of the following factors will not assist in improving thermal efficiency of a compression ignition engine?

Correct : D. High surface to volume ratio

78. A diesel power plant is best suited as

Correct : B. Stand by plant

79. Excessive moisture in steam in a steam turbine is likely to result in

Correct : A. Erosion of turbine blades

80. According to Boyle's law

Correct : D. At constant temperature, the absolute pressure of a gas varies inversely as its volume

81. An optical pyrometer works on the principle of

Correct : B. Mono-chromatic radiation

82. Air fuel ratio for a jet engine is of the order of

Correct : D. 60 ; 1

83. The top ring nearest to the piston crown is known as

Correct : C. Compression ring

84. The vapour pressure is related to the enthalpy of vaporization in

Correct : D. Clausius Clapeyron equation

85. Flash point of a liquids is the temperature at which

Correct : C. The fuel emits vapours at a rate which produces an inflammable mixture with air

86. According to kinetic theory of heat

Correct : A. At absolute zero there is absolutely no vibration of molecules

87. Regenerative feed heating of steam turbines is done primarily to

Correct : C. Improve overall efficiency of the plant

88. Ricardo's theory is associated with

Correct : C. Internal combustion engines

89. A 'blue' flame is

Correct : A. Non-radiant flame

90. The thermal efficiency of a dual cycle engine with fixed compression ratio and fixed quantity of het and with increase in pressure ratio, will

Correct : A. Increase

91. Turbidity in boiler feed water causes

Correct : A. Sludge

92. A mixture containing 60% cetane and 40% Iso-octane will have

Correct : E. None of the above

93. A vacuum of 712 mm was obtained with the barometer reading 753 mm of mercury. The corrected vacuum to a standard barometer of 760 would be

Correct : A. 719 mm Hg

94. Flash point for diesel fuel oil should be

Correct : A. Minimum 49?C

95. The knocking tendency in a compression ignition engine for a given fuel will

Correct : A. Enhance by reducing compression ratio

96. A steam turbine in which a part of the steam turbine after partial expansion is used for process heating and the remaining steam is further expanded for power generation, is known as

Correct : D. Pass out turbine

97. A De-Laval turbine is

Correct : B. Single rotor impulse turbine

98. In a cut off covered steam engine

Correct : A. Admission pressore remains constant while cut off is varied

99. Which one of the following is a safety device on a compressor?

Correct : E. Relief valve

100. Naphtha is used as

Correct : D. Fuel for furnaces