
Digital Electronics | Set 5

1. For programmable logic functions, which type of PLD should be used?

Correct : B. pal

2. The complex programmable logic device contains several PLD blocks and

Correct : C. global interconnection matrix

3. Which type of device FPGA are?

Correct : D. pld

4. The difference between a PAL & a PLA is

Correct : B. the pla has a programmable or plane and a programmable and plane, while the pal only has a programmable and plane

5. If a PAL has been programmed once

Correct : D. it cannot be reprogrammed

6. The FPGA refers to

Correct : B. field programmable gate array

7. The full form of VLSI is

Correct : C. very large scale integration

8. In FPGA, vertical and horizontal directions are separated by

Correct : B. a channel

9. Applications of PLAs are

Correct : D. all of the mentioned

10. CMOS refers to

Correct : B. complementary metal oxide semiconductor

11. Propagation delay is defined as

Correct : A. the time taken for the output of a gate to change after the inputs have changed

12. Propagation delay times can be divided as

Correct : C. t(plh) and t(phl)

13. Power Dissipation in DIC is expressed in

Correct : B. milliwatts or nanowatts

14. Fan-in is defined as

Correct : B. the number of inputs connected to gate without any degradation in the voltage levels

15. The maximum noise voltage that may appear at the input of a logic gate without changing the logical state of its output is termed as

Correct : B. noise immunity

16. The full form of ECL is

Correct : C. emitter-coupled logic

17. Which logic is the fastest of all the logic families?

Correct : B. ecl

18. The full form of CML is

Correct : C. collector mode logic

19. In an ECL the output is taken from

Correct : C. collector

20. The ECL behaves as

Correct : B. nor gate

21. In ECL the fanout capability is

Correct : A. high

22. ECL’s major disadvantage is that

Correct : A. it requires more power

23. The full form of SCFL is

Correct : B. source-coupled logic

24. The equivalent of emitter-coupled logic made out of FETs is called

Correct : B. scfl

25. ECL was invented in                by

Correct : C. 1956, hannon s. yourke

26. At the time of invention, an ECL was called as

Correct : C. current-steering logic

27. The ECL circuits usually operates with

Correct : A. negative voltage

28. Low-voltage positive emitter-coupled logic (LVPECL) is a power optimized version of

Correct : C. pecl