
High Performance Computing (HPC) | Set 3

1. A processor performing fetch or decoding of different instruction during the execution of another instruction is called ______ .

Correct : B. pipe-lining

2. General MIMD configuration usually called

Correct : A. a multiprocessor

3. A Von Neumann computer uses which one of the following?

Correct : A. sisd

4. MIMD stands for

Correct : A. multiple instruction multiple data

5. MIPS stands for:

Correct : D. million instruction per second

6. M.J. Flynn's parallel processing classification is based on:

Correct : C. both (a) and (b)

7. VLIW stands for:

Correct : B. very long instruction word

8. The major disadvantage of pipeline is:

Correct : C. if branch instruction is encountered the pipe has to be flushed

9. A topology that involves Tokens.

Correct : B. ring

10. multipoint topology is

Correct : A. bus

11. In super-scalar mode, all the similar instructions are grouped and executed together.

Correct : A. true

12. Which mechanism performs an analysis on the code to determine which data items may become unsafe for caching, and they mark those items accordingly?

Correct : D. compiler based cache coherence

13. How many processors can be organized in 5-dimensional binary hypercube system?

Correct : C. 32

14. Multiprocessors are classified as ________.

Correct : B. mimd

15. Which of the following is not one of the interconnection structures?

Correct : C. single port memory

16. Which combinational device is used in crossbar switch for selecting proper memory from multiple addresses?

Correct : A. multiplexer

17. How many switch points are there in crossbar switch network that connects 9 processors to 6 memory modules?

Correct : D. 54

18. In a three-cube structure, node 101 cannot communicate directly with node?

Correct : B. 11

19. Which method is used as an alternative way of snooping-based coherence protocol?

Correct : A. directory protocol

20. snoopy cache protocol are used in -----------------based system

Correct : A. bus

21. superscalar architecture contains -------------execution units for instruction execution

Correct : A. multiple

22. time taken by header of a message between two directly connected nodes is called as-----------------

Correct : B. per hop time

23. the number of switch requirement for a network with n input and n output is ------------------

Correct : B. n2

24. which of the following is not static network

Correct : D. crossbar switch

25. In super-scalar processors, ________ mode of execution is used.

Correct : C. out of order

26. ______ have been developed specifically for pipelined systems.

Correct : C. optimizing compilers

27. Which of the following is a combination of several processors on a single chip?

Correct : A. multicore architecture

28. The important feature of the VLIW is .....

Correct : A. ilp

29. The parallel execution of operations in VLIW is done according to the schedule determined by .....

Correct : C. compiler

30. The VLIW processors are much simpler as they do not require of .....

Correct : D. scheduling hardware

31. The VLIW architecture follows ..... approach to achieve parallelism.

Correct : D. mimd

32. Which of the following is not a Pipeline Conflicts?

Correct : C. load balancing

33. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE for Internal Sorting algorithms

Correct : C. use auxilliary memory like tape or hard disk

34. In sorting networks for INCREASING COMPARATOR with input x,y select the correct output X', Y' from the following options

Correct : C. x\ = min { x , y } and y\ = max{ x , y }

35. In sorting networks for DECREASING COMPARATOR with input x,y select the correct output X', Y' from the following options

Correct : B. x\ = max { x , y } and y\ = min { x , y }

36. Which of the following is TRUE for Bitonic Sequence a) Monotonically increasing b) Monotonically Decreasing c) With cyclic shift of indices d) First increasing then decreasing

Correct : D. a) and b) and c) and d)

37. Which of the following is NOT a BITONIC Sequence

Correct : D. {1, 2, 4, 7, 6, 0, 1}

38. The procedure of sorting a bitonic sequence using bitonic splits is called

Correct : A. bitonic merge

39. While mapping Bitonic sort on Hypercube, Compare-exchange operations take place between wires whose labels differ in

Correct : A. one bit

40. Which of following is NOT A WAY of mapping the input wires of the bitonic sorting network to a MESH of processes

Correct : B. column major mapping

41. Which is the sorting algorithm in below given steps - 1. procedure X_SORT(n) 2. begin 3. for i := n - 1 downto 1 do 4. for j := 1 to i do 5. compare-exchange(aj, aj + 1); 6. end X_SORT

Correct : B. bubble sort

42. The odd-even transposition algorithm sorts n elements in n phases (n is even), each of which requires ------------compare-exchange operations

Correct : C. n/2

43. What is TRUE about SHELL SORT

Correct : D. both 2 and 3

44. Which is the fastest sorting algorithm

Correct : D. quick sort

45. Quicksort's performance is greatly affected by the way it partitions a sequence.

Correct : A. true

46. Pivot in Quick sort can be selected as

Correct : D. randomly selected element

47. Quick sort uses Recursive Decomposition

Correct : A. true

48. In first step of parallelizing quick sort for n elements to get subarrays, which of the following statement is TRUE

Correct : A. only one process is used

49. In Binary tree representation created by execution of Quick sort, Pivot is at

Correct : B. root of tree

50. What is the worst case time complexity of a quick sort algorithm?

Correct : C. o(n2)

51. What is the average running time of a quick sort algorithm?

Correct : B. o(n log n)

52. Odd-even transposition sort is a variation of

Correct : C. bubble sort

53. What is the average case time complexity of odd-even transposition sort?

Correct : D. o(n2)

54. Shell sort is an improvement on

Correct : C. insertion sort

55. In parallel Quick Sort Pivot is sent to processes by

Correct : A. broadcast

56. In parallel Quick Sort each process divides the unsorted list into

Correct : B. 2 lists

57. Time Complexity of DFS is? (V – number of vertices, E – number of edges)

Correct : A. o(v + e)

58. A person wants to visit some places. He starts from a vertex and then wants to visit every vertex till it finishes from one vertex, backtracks and then explore other vertex from same vertex. What algorithm he should use?

Correct : B. dfs

59. Given an array of n elements and p processes, in the message-passing version of the parallel quicksort, each process stores ---------elements of array

Correct : D. n/p

60. In parallel quick sort Pivot selecton strategy is crucial for

Correct : D. all of the above

61. In execution of the hypercube formulation of quicksort for d = 3, split along -----------dimention to partition sequence into two big blocks, one greater than pivot and other smaller than pivot as shown in diagram

Correct : C. third

62. Which Parallel formulation of Quick sort is possible

Correct : D. all of the above

63. Which formulation of Dijkstra's algorithm exploits more parallelism

Correct : B. source-parallel formulation

64. In Dijkstra's all pair shortest path each process compute the single-source shortest paths for all vertices assigned to it in SOURCE PARTITIONED FORMULATION

Correct : A. true

65. A complete graph is a graph in which each pair of vertices is adjacent

Correct : A. true

66. The space required to store the adjacency matrix of a graph with n vertices is

Correct : C. in order of n squared

67. Graph can be represented by

Correct : B. adjacency matrix

68. to solve the all-pairs shortest paths problem which algorithm's is/are used a) Floyd's algorithm b) Dijkstra's single-source shortest paths c) Prim's Algorithm d) Kruskal's Algorithm

Correct : B. a) and b)

69. Simple backtracking is a depth-first search method that terminates upon finding the first solution.

Correct : A. true

70. Best-first search (BFS) algorithms can search both graphs and trees.

Correct : A. true

71. A* algorithm is a

Correct : A. bfs algorithm

72. identify Load-Balancing Scheme/s

Correct : D. all above methods

73. important component of best-first search (BFS) algorithms is

Correct : A. open list

74. A CUDA program is comprised of two primary components: a host and a _____.

Correct : A. gpu kernel

75. The kernel code is dentified by the ________qualifier with void return type

Correct : B. __global__

76. the BlockPerGrid and ThreadPerBlock parameters are related to the ________ model supported by CUDA.

Correct : C. thread abstraction

77. _________ is Callable from the device only

Correct : C. _device_

78. ______ is Callable from the host

Correct : B. __global__

79. ______ is Callable from the host

Correct : A. _host_

80. Cache memory works on the principle of

Correct : C. locality of reference

81. SIMD represents an organization that ______________.

Correct : C. includes many processing units under the supervision           of a common control unit

82. Select different aspects of parallelism

Correct : D. data intensive applications utilize high aggregate throughput

83. Select correct answer: DRAM access times have only improved at the rate of roughly         % per year over this interval.

Correct : A. 20

84. Analyze, if the second instruction has data dependencies with the first, but the third instruction does not, the first

Correct : B. both of the above

85. Select the parameters which captures Memory system performance

Correct : C. none of the above

86. Consider the example of a fire- hose. If the water comes out of the hose five seconds after the hydrant is turned on. Once the water starts flowing, if the hydrant delivers water at the rate of 15 gallons/second. Analyze the bandwidth and latency.

Correct : C. bandwidth: 3 gallons/second and latency: 5 seconds

87. Select alternate approaches for Hiding Memory Latency

Correct : D. prefeching

88. Select which clause in OpenMP is similar to the private, except values of variables are initialized to corresponding values before the

Correct : B. shared

89. Which of the following projects of Blue Gene is not in development?

Correct : B. blue gene / p

90. A decomposition can be illustrated in the form of a directed graph with nodes corresponding to tasks and edges indicating that the result of one task is required for processing the next. Such graph is called as

Correct : B. task interaction graph

91. In which case, the owner computes rule implies that the output is computed by the process to which the output data is assigned?

Correct : B. both of the above

92. Select relevant task characteristics from the options given below:

Correct : D. task generation

93. A classic example of game playing - each 15 puzzle board is the example of

Correct : B. none of the above

94. Which model is equally suitable to shared-address- space or message- passing paradigms, since the interaction is naturally two ways.

Correct : B. data parallel model

95. In which type of the model, tasks are dynamically assigned to the processes for balancing the load?

Correct : A. master slave model

96. Select the appropriate stage of GPU Pipeline which receives commands from CPU and also pulls geometry information from system memory.

Correct : D. pixel processing

97. In all-to-one reduction, data items must be combined piece-wise and the result made available at a                     processor.

Correct : C. n-1

98. Analyze the Cost of Scatter and Gather .

Correct : B. t=ts log p - tw m (p-1)

99. All-to-all personalized communication is also known as                               .

Correct : B. both of the above

100. All-to-all personalized communication is performed independently in each row with clustered messages of size on a mesh.

Correct : C. p√m