
Corporate Restructuring | Set 2

1. Percentage of buyback of shares should not exceed --------- of the aggregate of the paid up capital and free reserves of the company.

Correct : A. 25%

2. Ratio of aggregate of secured and unsecured debt owned by the company after buyback should not be more than ---------the paid up capital and free reserves.

Correct : B. Twice

3. Declaration of solvency shall be signed by at least ------- directors one of whom shall be the managing director.

Correct : A. 2

4. Letter of offer shall be dispatched to the shareholders within---------- days from its filing with Registrar of Companies containing factual information.

Correct : A. 21

5. The offer for buyback shall remain open for minimum period of -------days.

Correct : B. 15

6. Every buyback shall be completed within a period of------------------- from the date of passing of board or special resulation.

Correct : A. One year

7. Extinguish and physically destroy the shares and other specified securities buyback within ---- days of the last date of completion of a buyback.

Correct : D. 07

8. Shares to be bought back must be ---------

Correct : A. fully paid up

9. Approval of Board of directors upto ------ % of the total paid up equity capital and free reserves of the company.

Correct : A. 10

10. ----------- growth provides an organisation with an aim of achieving accelerated or increased growth through mergers, amalgamation ect.

Correct : B. Inorganic

11. In -------- swap merger, the holders of the target company's stock receive shares of the acquiring company's stock.

Correct : A. Stock

12. -------------------- Capital can be considered as the permanent capital of company.

Correct : A. Equity share

13. For companies that publicly traded,negative reactions to the restructure can result in ----- stock prices.

Correct : A. Dropping

14. --------- is a foreign currency denominated instrument tradeable on stock exchange generally in USA.

Correct : A. ADRs

15. ----------- is a foreign currency denominated instrument tradeable on stock exchange in countries other than USA.

Correct : B. GDRs

16. Well managed companies make sufficient profit and retain in the form of -----------.

Correct : A. Free Reserve

17. With ---------------- , lender can get a comprehensive financial footprint of a borrower.

Correct : A. Credit report

18. The restructuring of a corporation should be undertaken if ---------------

Correct : B. It is expected to create value for shareholders

19. In the long run, and successful acquisition is one that

Correct : C. Increase the market price of the acquirer stock

20. One means for a company to go private is ----------

Correct : C. LBO

21. Which of the following reason do companies restrucre for? ----------

Correct : C. To stay competitive

22. When one company buys all or parts of another company is called -----------.

Correct : D. Acquisition

23. An acquisition is the same thing as --------.

Correct : C. a takeover

24. The way in which merger and amalgamation occur do not include --------------

Correct : C. Diversification

25. The good reason for merger and amalgamation do not include -----------

Correct : B. Increasing earning per share

26. Justification for merger and amalgamation do not include ------------

Correct : C. to increase risk

27. Managerial motive for merger and amalgamation do not related to -------------

Correct : A. Dividend

28. The three broad approaches to company valuation do not include ------------.

Correct : C. Inventory valuation

29. ----------- in his book of 'Stategic Management 'has identified the strategy alternatives into four board strategies.

Correct : A. William F. Glueck

30. Merger or takeover may be provided for as a part of insolvency resulation plan under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, -----------

Correct : D. 2016

31. --------------does not result in a expansion of the firm.

Correct : C. Divestiture

32. ------------- does not involve a change in the ownership structure.

Correct : A. Proxy contest

33. -------------is referred as 'as going private transaction 'initiate by the incumbent management.

Correct : A. Management buyout

34. ----------- forms one economic unit from two or more units is called ----------

Correct : B. Merger

35. A public offer by one firm to directly buy the shares of another company is called --------

Correct : B. Tender offer

36. The sale of stock in wholly owned subsidiary via an IPO is referred as --------

Correct : B. Equity carve out

37. The distribution of shares in a subsidiary to existing parent company's stockholder is called -----------

Correct : A. Spin off

38. Which of the following activities are commonly associated with takeover.

Correct : D. All the above

39. If Microsoft were to acquire U.S.Airways, the acquisition would be classified as -------- acquisition.

Correct : B. Conglomerate

40. A dissident group solicits votes in an attempt to replace existing management is called -- ----

Correct : C. Proxy contest

41. One of the most basic reason for a merger is --------

Correct : C. Cost reduction

42. When a building supply store acquires a lumber mill is called as a -----------acquisition.

Correct : B. Vertical

43. The complete obsorption of one company by another, where in the acquiring fir retains its identity and the acquired firm cease to exist as a separate entity is called ----------.

Correct : A. Merger

44. A merger in which an entirely new firm is created and both the acquired and acquiring firm cease to exist is called ---------------

Correct : B. Consolidation

45. The payments made by a firm to repurchase shares of its outstanding stock from an individual investors in an attempt to eliminate a potential unfriendly takeover is called as -----

Correct : C. Greenmail

46. A financial device designed to make unfriendly takeover attempts financially unappealing, if not impossible is called ------------

Correct : D. Poison pill

47. Generous compensation packages paid to a firm's top management in event of a takeover referred as ----------

Correct : A. Golden parachute

48. The ____________ process must involve a significant change in the management culture of the acquired business.

Correct : B. Post-Merger Integration

49. __________ are sought with an aim to trying to control the products and services feed by the involved business.

Correct : C. Merger and Acquisition

50. Management involves the ___________ of resources.

Correct : A. Utilisation

51. The ______________ of the merged company determines its success or failure.

Correct : C. Capitalisation

52. ____________ is one of the valuation criteria for measuring the success of post merged company.

Correct : C. Fair Market Value

53. _____________ is an incredibly challenging process that senior executives are required to undertake in parallel to managing their core business operations.

Correct : B. Post-Merger Integration

54. The earning performance of the merged company can be measured by return on total ___________ and total net worth.

Correct : A. Assets

55. Under section 72A of Income tax act, 1961 carry forward and setting off of accumulated losses and unabsorbed depreciation of the amalgamating company is allowed against the __________ profits of the amalgamated company in order to encourage revival of sick units.

Correct : A. Future

56. The merged firm would enjoy ___________ debt capacity because the combination of two or more firms provide greater stability to the earnings level.

Correct : B. Higher

57. Merger/Amalgamation of two or more firms has been used as a dominant business strategy to seek rapid growth and ___________.

Correct : C. Diversification

58. The company which is subjected to _____________ will need to align its internal processes with that of the merged entity / acquired entity.

Correct : A. Restructuring

59. The earning performance of the merged company can be measured by return on total ___________ and return on net worth.

Correct : A. Assets

60. The ____________ improves the competitive position of the merged firm as it can command an increased market share.

Correct : A. Merger

61. The earning performance of the merged company can be measured by return on total assets and return on___________.

Correct : D. Net Worth

62. Merger/Amalgamation of two or more firms has been used as a dominant business strategy to seek rapid __________ and Diversification.

Correct : D. Growth

63. There are _______ sets of rules for a successful PMI.

Correct : B. 15

64. The net result of realizing economics of scale would be an __________ in the cost of production.

Correct : A. Increase

65. Modern markets always dictate __________ innovation and improvement on product and services.

Correct : A. Continuous

66. __________ involves the utilization of resources.

Correct : A. Management

67. The capitalisation of the ___________ company determines its success or failure.

Correct : C. Merged

68. Whenever the merged firm raises funds from the market through public issue of shares or debentures, it can ___________ the floating cost.

Correct : A. Reduce

69. Modern markets always dictate Continuous innovation and __________ on product and services.

Correct : A. Improvement

70. The earning Performance of the merged cannot be measured by return on total share price and return on ________ worth.

Correct : A. Net

71. Companies need to be __________ with regards to terms and conditions of employment.

Correct : A. Sensitive

72. Post acquisition, the parent company may want to acquired company to adopt ______________ structure of the parent entity.

Correct : C. Compensation

73. The company which is subjected to restructuring will need to align its ___________ processes with that of the merged entity.

Correct : A. Internal

74. Restructuring typically would entail ___________ of persons operating on various positions/grades in similar functions.

Correct : A. Re-allocation

75. A careful __________ is needed to avoid overlapping, underutilization of staff and to take care of career progression.

Correct : B. Planning

76. The company which is subjected to ____________ will need to align its internal processes with that of the merged entity.

Correct : A. Restructuring

77. If accompany is occupying leased premises, one should check conditions under the __________ agreement and complete necessary formalities.

Correct : B. Lease

78. Restructuring could lead to changes in existing certificates such as _________ or similar other certifications.

Correct : A. ISO

79. Restructuring is not always about __________ decisions or actions.

Correct : B. Future