3. .................. is suitable for remote administration of a computer.
Correct : D. telnet
4. Title tag is nested within the ....................... tag.
Correct : B. head
5. .................... is a web's native protocol.
Correct : C. http
6. The Internet uses the ........................ as the protocol engine.
Correct : C. tcp/ip
7. A ............................. is a symbolic name a network administrator assigns to a machine.
Correct : D. host name
8. Which of the following protocol is used for e-mail services.
Correct : B. smtp
9. ...................... is the incoming e-mail server.
Correct : A. pop
10. ....................... is a uniform naming scheme for locating resources on the web.
Correct : A. uri
11. In mouse cursor option ................... is a cursor for mouse wheel operations when the mouse is moving and the window is scrolling horizontally and vertically downward to the left.
Correct : B. pansw
12. In mouse cursor option ................. is a cursor for mouse wheel operations when the mouse is moving and the window is scrolling vertically in an upward direction.
Correct : D. pannorth
13. ..................... is a signed count of the number of rotation of the mouse wheel.
Correct : B. delta
14. Most of the functionally of the text box control is simply inherited from the ................. class, which is also the a base class for the rich text box control.
Correct : C. textboxbase
15. ................. control is generally used for editable text although it can also made read only.
Correct : D. textbox
16. We can limit the amount of text entered into TextBox control by setting .................. property to a specific number of characters.
Correct : A. maxlength
17. TextBox controls also can be used to accept password if the ................. property is used to mask characters.
Correct : A. passwordchar
18. Each hyperlink is a object of the ................... class and is stored in a collection called links.
Correct : B. linklabel.link
19. Which of the following is NOT the public properties of TextBox objects.
Correct : C. bulletindent
20. i) Clear ii) Paste iii) LoadFile iv) Paste
Correct : C. i, ii and iv only
21. Which of the following is NOT the public events of TextBox objects.
Correct : D. link clicked
22. i) None ii) Horizontal iii) Vertical iv) Both
Correct : D. all i, ii, iii and iv
23. In order for the scroll bars to actually appear, the text box's ................. property must be True.
Correct : A. multiline
24. Which of the following is NOT the public property of RichTextBox Objects.
29. Hyperlinks can be created using the ........................................ method in LinkClicked event handler.
Correct : A. system.diagnostics.process.start
30. In order to get the text associated with the link, ..................... method can be used.
Correct : B. e.link.linkdata.tostring
31. .................. namespace in vb.net includes essential classes and base classes that define commonly used data types, events and event handlers, interfaces, attributes, exceptions and so on.
Correct : A. system
32. The file extension ................. in vb.net represents a global application class, used to handle global application class, used to handle global ASP.NET application level events.
Correct : D. .asax
33. The file extension .................. in vb.net represents a web form.
Correct : C. .aspx
34. When you save a solution, it's give the file extension .sln and all the projects in the solution are saved with the extension ...............
Correct : A. .vbproj
35. The .NET platform and the .NET framework class library were developed in an effort to address these weakness of ......................
Correct : C. com
36. ...................... are virtual base classes; that is they consist of members; methods, properties and events that have no implementations.
Correct : B. interfaces
37. A ............... is a reference type that represents a strongly typed function pointer.
Correct : C. delegate
38. Most of the primitive data types; Boolean, Byte, Char etc. defined in FCL are implemented as ............
Correct : D. structure
39. Specialized classes include the stack class, a last-in first-out structure, the queue class, first-in, first-out structure in the ........................ namespace.
Correct : B. system.collections
40. ....................... allow custom items of information about a program element to be stored with an assembly's metadata.