1. For Kant the ------------------- is no mere criterion for aesthetics but it is a subject of
metaphysical inquiry.
Correct : B. sublime
2. According to Kant ------------------ is the ability to judge anobject.
Correct : A. taste
3. Poetics is written by:
Correct : C. aristotle
4. The original meaning of the term aesthetics is :
Correct : A. related to sense perception
5. Kant’s view of Aesthetic judgment is presented in his:
Correct : D. critique of judgment
6. Aesthetics is defined as a philosophy of:
Correct : B. beauty and art
7. Who introduced the term aesthetics?
Correct : D. a. g. baumgarten
8. Identify the root term of Aesthetics.
Correct : C. aesthesis
9. Aesthesis means:
Correct : A. anything connected with sense perception
10. Baumgarten calls the level of knowledge to the sense perception is:
Correct : C. aesthetica
11. The word ‘aesthetic’ is used by Kant in the Critique of Pure Reason for the level of
knowledge obtained through:
Correct : A. sense perception
12. Immanuel Kant devoted --------------------- ------------ for the analysis of beauty.
Correct : D. critique of judgment
13. Hegel established an / a --------------------------- between beauty and art.
Correct : C. organic
14. according to Hegel beauty id the manifestation of :
Correct : C. absolute experience
15. What is the norm of Aesthetics?
Correct : C. beauty
16. Identify the dialogue in which Plato explained about the Absolute Beauty.
Correct : A. symposium
17. For Plato beauty exists only at ----------- level.
Correct : D. ideal
18. According to Plato beauty seen in nature is only a -------------- of the ideal beauty.
Correct : C. shadow
19. Who thinks that art as the stepping stone to philosophy?
Correct : C. hegel
20. According to Kant beauty in mankind is always the expression of:
Correct : B. morality
21. Hegel defines aesthetics as the philosophy of:
Correct : A. fine art
22. For Hegel beauty whether natural or artistic is the product of:
Correct : C. absolute
23. Which one is considered as the first stage of art according to Hegel?
Correct : B. symbolic art
24. ------------------- art found in pre-Hellenic antiquity.
Correct : D. symbolic art
25. Which one is considered as the second developmental stage of art according to Hegel?
Correct : D. classical art
26. ----------------- art attains perfectly harmonious expression of universal human mind.
Correct : B. classical
27. Hegel remarks -------------------- shows an advance to spirituality.
Correct : B. romantic art
28. Identify the highest stage in the development art according to Hegel.
Correct : C. romantic art
29. ------------ is a depiction of Classical art.
Correct : A. sculpture
30. Hegel says that Symbolic art is most successful in:
Correct : C. architecture
31. Of the Romantic triard ---------------- is treated as the most spiritual by Hegel.
Correct : C. poetry
32. Hegel says --------------is the staring of art go beyond itself.
Correct : B. romantic art
33. Hegel treated Romantic art as:
Correct : D. synthesis
34. For Hegel ---------------------- considered as the thesis in the dialectical process of art.
Correct : B. symbolic art
35. According to Hegel -------- is the antithesis in the dialectical process of art.
Correct : A. classical art
36. Hegel says that -----------alone can express all that the mind conceives.
Correct : C. poetry
37. Hegel extended ----------------- method into his analysis of art.
Correct : A. dialectical
38. According to Kant aesthetics arises from the faculty of:
Correct : C. disinterested judgment
39. Kant claims that aesthetic judgments has strong similarity to :
Correct : B. moral judgments
40. Identify the major divisions of Critique of Judgment.
Correct : A. critique of aesthetic judgment and critique of teleological judgment
41. ------------------- deals with Kant’s account of beauty.
Correct : C. critique of aestheticjudgment
42. Who is the founder of formalism in aesthetics?
Correct : C. kant
43. For Kant aesthetic judgments are:
Correct : D. disinterested
44. Kant says aesthetic judgments behave:
Correct : A. universally
45. Kant explains that the beautiful has to be understood as:
Correct : B. purposive
46. Kant says that aesthetical judgment help us to reach ---------------- ideals.
Correct : B. moral
47. Kant says -------- gives sensible forms to moral ideals.
Correct : A. beauty
48. What is common in aesthetic judgments and moral judgments according to Kant?
Correct : C. universal validity
49. For Kant ------------------ is the symbol of morality.
Correct : D. beauty
50. According to Hegel art is one mode of apprehending:
Correct : B. truth
51. Hegel says that the ultimate aim of art is unveil the:
Correct : C. truth
52. Who introduced theory of Imitation?
Correct : A. plato
53. According to Plato ------------ alone is/are real.
Correct : B. ideas
54. Plato said that the greatest sin of the art was its------------------.
Correct : C. imitative nature
55. Plato called the world or the nature itself as :
Correct : A. imitation of the real
56. Plato argues that art is an/a -------------------------- of the real.
Correct : C. imitation of imitation
57. Plato says ----------------- could not have an honorable place in the ideal state of Republic.
Correct : B. artists
58. Plato claimed reality was twice removed by the activity of :
Correct : D. artists
59. Artist’s activity is considered as --------------- by Plato.
Correct : B. childish game
60. Plato was very critical of -------------------- and all poets in general.
Correct : A. homer
61. Plato said creation of poetry is not in a normal state of mind, but in a state of --------------
Correct : C. muse
62. Identify the Dialogue in which Plato made sharp criticism against poets and poetry.
Correct : C. ion
63. According to Plato art is an :
Correct : B. imitation of nature
64. Art is a product of ----------------- according to Plato.
Correct : A. emotional prosperity
65. Plato explains Art never reflects the ----------------- of the reality.
Correct : C. inner truth
66. The poet is an/ a ----------------------- according to Plato.
Correct : D. inspired soul
67. Principle of --------------------- plays a vital role in Plato’s theory of aesthetics.
Correct : C. illusion
68. Aristotle retained the concept of imitation in his theory of aesthetics and transformed it
as new theory called:
Correct : A. representationism
69. Bring out the form of art which is accepted by Plato.
Correct : C. music
70. Plato accepted music as valuable because of its:
Correct : B. educational value
71. Plato said artist activity is:
Correct : A. passive
72. Plato called poet is a :
Correct : D. soul
73. Aristotle’s work ---------------------- gives invaluable contribution to aesthetics.
Correct : B. poetics
74. For Aristotle emulation is not a blind passive activity but an activity of:
Correct : D. learning
75. For Aristotle art has the potentiality to ------------ the essence of natural things.
Correct : C. represent
76. According to Aristotle ----------------------- is the goal of art.
Correct : A. representation of the ideal
77. Aristotle considered -------------is the method while representation is the goal of art.
Correct : C. imitation
78. According to Aristotle representation is the unique feature of:
Correct : C. literary art
79. Poetry is a representation of ------------------- according to Aristotle.
Correct : D. universal
80. Aristotle argues that poetry narrates not only what has happened but give an inkling of:
Correct : B. future also
81. Aristotle concept of ‘tragedy’ is explained in his work called:
Correct : C. poetics
82. According to Aristotle ---------------- is/are an imitation of events which are serious in
Correct : A. tragedy
83. Aristotle explains, the purpose of the ---------------is to bring the inevitability of human
destiny to the fore.
Correct : C. tragedy
84. Aristotle argues, Art must -------------------- life.
Correct : D. resemble
85. Aristotle demanded art should be given a glimpse of:
Correct : C. future
86. According to Aristotle -------------------- has the highest potentiality to represent the
most vital aspects of life.
Correct : A. literature
87. Who introduced the theory of Catharsis?
Correct : D. aristotle
88. Aristotle describes------------------ as the purging of emotions of pity and fear that
are aroused in the viewer of tragedy.
Correct : B. catharsis
89. Catharsis means:
Correct : A. purification
90. Aristotle treated ------------ as the capacity of tragedy.
Correct : C. catharsis
91. Catharsis is related with:
Correct : D. psychoanalytic theory
92. Catharsis is associated with the elimination of:
Correct : B. negative emotions
93. Aristotle explains Catharsis is the capacity of:
Correct : A. tragedy
94. The basis of the Marxist aesthetic theory is the --------------- of founded on
Marxist ideology.
Correct : A. structure of society
95. For Marx artistic activity is nothing but an effort to give objective form to :
Correct : B. emotions and feelings
96. According to Marx the basic structure of human society is:
Correct : C. economic
97. Marx argues that, the form, content and style of the artistic compositions are
embedded in the:
Correct : A. economic structure
98. According to Marx art is a:
Correct : C. creative activity
99. Marx argues that, art visualize the:
Correct : D. essence of
100. Marx regards the alienation of modern man in his ------------------------- as a phase
of total alienation produced by the capitalist system of production.