
Traditional Logic | Set 1

1. The meaning of the term ‘LOGIC’ is

Correct : C. logos

2. Logic deals with

Correct : D. thought

3. Verbal expression of Concept is called

Correct : A. word

4. Logic is the Science of

Correct : B. thought

5. Inference expressed through language is called

Correct : D. argument

6. Who among the following is regarded as Father of Logic

Correct : D. kant

7. Deductive Logic is

Correct : A. formal logic

8. Word which acts as Subject or Predicate of a Proposition is called

Correct : C. term

9. ________ sentences are used as Propositions

Correct : A. declarative

10. The word which used to connect subject and predicate in a proposition is called

Correct : D. copula

11. The known proposition in an Inference is called

Correct : C. premises

12. The new proposition derived from premises in an Inference is called

Correct : B. conclusion

13. The term which refer to an object within the limits of sense organs is called

Correct : D. concrete term

14. . The term which refer to an object which is beyond the limits of sense organs is called

Correct : C. abstract term

15. The term which refers to the attributes of the subject is called

Correct : B. connotative

16. The term which does not refer to the attributes of the subject is called

Correct : A. non-composite

17. A term is said to be ------------------ if its meaning is complete in itself

Correct : B. absolute

18. A term is said to be -------------------- if it depends on some other term for the completion of its meaning

Correct : D. relative

19. A term which refers to a class of objects in the same sense is called 2

Correct : A. general

20. A term which consist of one word is called

Correct : C. simple

21. A term which consist of a group of words is called

Correct : D. composite

22. Which term among the following impies presence of a quality

Correct : A. positive term

23. Which term among the following impies absence of a quality

Correct : B. negative term

24. Which term among the following impies absence of a quality which that object is expected to possess

Correct : C. privative term

25. The statement which affirms of denies the relation between two terms is called

Correct : A. proposition

26. Two or more simple propositions joined together forms

Correct : D. subjectless proposition

27. A compound proposition in which simple propositions are combined using ‘And’ is called

Correct : C. conjunction

28. The composite proposition formed by the combination of two or more simple propositions using ‘Either…Or’ is called

Correct : B. disjunction

29. The composite proposition formed by the combination of two or more simple propositions using ‘If….Then’ is called

Correct : B. disjunction

30. The ‘IF’ part in a Hypothetical proposition is called

Correct : C. antecedent

31. . The ‘THEN’ part in a Hypothetical proposition is called

Correct : B. consequence

32. A proposition which states the relation between two terms based on some condition is called

Correct : C. conditional proposition

33. Which one among the following is not a Conditional proposition

Correct : C. conjunction

34. The propostion which does not contain any other component or part is called

Correct : A. simple proposition

35. Verbal expression of Judgement is called

Correct : D. proposition

36. Which among the following is not a Normative Science

Correct : C. astrology

37. A Normative Science deals with

Correct : A. ‘what ought to be’

38. A Positive Science is ------------------ in nature

Correct : B. factual

39. The knowledge derived through sense experience is called

Correct : C. perception

40. The process of deriving a new truth from one or more known truths is called

Correct : D. inference

41. The fundamental aim of Logic is

Correct : A. search of truth

42. The Proposition formed by the combination of two or more simple proposition is called

Correct : D. compound proposition

43. The portion of Logic which deals with Form of Thought is called

Correct : D. deduction

44. The portion of Logic which deals with Matter of Thought is called

Correct : A. induction

45. The Argument in which an Universal conclusion is derived from Particular Premisses is

Correct : D. inductive argument

46. The Argument in which a Particular conclusion is derived from Universal Premisses is

Correct : C. deductive argument

47. Logically correct argument is called

Correct : C. valid argument

48. Logically incorrect argument is called

Correct : D. invalid argument

49. Argument containing true premises and false conclusion is called

Correct : C. invalid argument

50. Which among the following is not considered as a Law of Thought

Correct : C. law of uniformity of nature

51. Which Law of thought states ‘A IS A’

Correct : A. law of identity

52. Which Law of thought states ‘A cannot be both B and ‘Not B’ at the Same time’’

Correct : D. law of non-contradiction

53. Which Law of thought states ‘A can be Either B Or ‘Not B’

Correct : B. law of excluded middle

54. Which Law of thought states ‘Whatever happens in this world should have a Sufficient Cause’

Correct : C. law of sufficient cause

55. The ‘Subject term’ in a Proposition is symbolically represented as

Correct : A. ‘s’

56. The ‘Predicate term’ in a Proposition is symbolically represented as

Correct : B. ‘p’

57. Unconditional Propositions are also known as

Correct : C. categorical

58. Based on Quality, Categorical propositions are classified into

Correct : A. 2

59. The categorical proposition in which the Predicate affirms the Subject class is called

Correct : B. negative proposition

60. The categorical proposition in which the Predicate affirms or denies the whole class of Subject is called

Correct : C. universal proposition

61. The categorical proposition in which the Predicate affirms or denies a part class of Subject is called

Correct : D. particular proposition

62. The categorical proposition in which the Predicate affirms the whole class of Subject is called

Correct : A. universal affirmative

63. The categorical proposition in which the Predicate denies the whole class of Subject is called

Correct : B. universal negative

64. The categorical proposition in which the Predicate affirms a part of the class of Subject is called

Correct : C. particular affirmative

65. The categorical proposition in which the Predicate denies a part of the class of Subject is called

Correct : D. particular negative

66. ‘Universal Affirmative Proposition is symbolically represented as

Correct : A. ‘a’ proposition

67. ‘Universal Negative’ Proposition is symbolically represented as

Correct : B. ‘e’ proposition

68. ‘Particular Affirmative’ Proposition is symbolically represented as

Correct : C. ‘i’ proposition

69. ‘Particular Negative’ Proposition is symbolically represented as

Correct : D. ‘o’ proposition

70. The proposition which states about the inclusion of the whole class of Subject is called

Correct : A. universal affirmative

71. The proposition which states about the exclusion of the whole class of Subject is called

Correct : B. universal negative

72. The proposition which states about the inclusion of of a part of the class of Subject is called

Correct : C. particular affirmative

73. The proposition which states about the exclusion of a part of the class of Subject is called

Correct : D. particular negative

74. The extension of a term is called its

Correct : B. denotation

75. The intension of a term is called its

Correct : A. connotation

76. Distribution of terms Is based on

Correct : B. denotation

77. When a term is used in its entire extend referring to all objects denoted by that term, it is said to be

Correct : A. distributed

78. ‘E’ proposition distributes

Correct : C. both subject & predicate

79. ‘I’ proposition distributes

Correct : D. both subject & predicate are undistributed

80. ‘O’ proposition distributes

Correct : B. predicate only

81. Name the Logician who illustrated distribution of terms in A,E,I & O propositions through Venn Diagram

Correct : C. euler

82. Proposition affirms or denies the relation between

Correct : A. subject & predicate

83. The Inference in which a conclusion is derived from one premise

Correct : A. immediate

84. The Inference in which a conclusion is derived from two premises

Correct : B. mediate

85. Syllogism is a

Correct : B. mediate inference

86. In Immediate Proposition, there are ------------ propositions

Correct : A. 2

87. Which one among the following is not an immediate Inference

Correct : D. syllogism

88. Which one of the following is not an Opposition

Correct : D. conversion

89. Which Opposition states the relation between A& I and E& O

Correct : D. subaltern

90. A syllogism consist of -------- terms

Correct : B. 3

91. A syllogism consist of -------------- propositions

Correct : B. 3

92. The Predicate of the conclusion in a Syllogism is called

Correct : A. . major term

93. The Subject of the conclusion in a Syllogism is called

Correct : B. minor term

94. The term which present only in the premises and not in the conclusion of a Syllogism is called

Correct : B. minor term

95. Which among the following is not a proposition of a Syllogism

Correct : D. middle premise

96. Logical error is called

Correct : C. fallacy

97. Which among the following is a Fallcy of Illicit

Correct : C. fallacy of illicit major

98. A Syllogism which contains both categorical and Conditional propositions is called

Correct : D. mixed syllogism

99. Which among the following is not a mixed Syllogism

Correct : D. mixed categorical syllogism

100. Modus ponens is a

Correct : A. mixed hypothetical syllogism