Recent Developments in Western Philosophy | Set 1
1. Who wrote the book Pragmatism?
A. john dewey
B. s. peirce c. william james
C. comte
Correct : C. comte
2. John Dewey’s philosophy is commonly referred as:
A. instrumentalism
B. utilitarianism
C. hedonism
D. intuitionism
Correct : A. instrumentalism
3. Along with pragmatism William James introduced philosophy of:
A. empiricism
B. instrumentalism
C. phenomenism
D. radical empiricism
Correct : D. radical empiricism
4. Auguste Comte’s version of positivism is called as:
A. sociological positivism
B. empirical positivism
C. radical positivism
D. scientific positivism
Correct : B. empirical positivism
5. According to Comte, the human mind successively passes through -------stages of thinking.
A. three
B. fou
C. five
D. six
Correct : A. three
6. Comte describes that ------------------ is the elementary stage of thinking.
A. metaphysical stage
B. positive stage
C. theological stage
D. religious stage
Correct : C. theological stage
7. Which among the following is treated as the last stage of philosophising by Comte?
A. positive stage
B. metaphysical stage
C. theological stage
D. religious stage
Correct : A. positive stage
8. ------------------- is a characteristic feature of C. S. Pierce’s theory of cognition.
A. agnosticism
B. falllibilism
C. scepticism
D. none of these
Correct : B. falllibilism
9. Who among the following wrote “The Quest for Certainty”?
A. john dewey
B. s. peirce c. william james
C. comte
Correct : A. john dewey
10. Being and Nothingness is written by:
A. heidegger
B. jaspers
C. sartre
D. kierkegaard
Correct : C. sartre
11. Who among the following is treated as theistic philosopher?
A. kierkegaard
B. sartre
C. heidegger
D. camus
Correct : A. kierkegaard
12. ------------------ called as the Magnum Opus of Heidegger.
A. being and nothingness
B. the rebel
C. philosophy
D. being and time
Correct : D. being and time
13. “Man is condemned to be free”- is related with :
A. kierkegaard
B. sartre
C. heidegger
D. camus
Correct : B. sartre
14. Sartre’s classification of Being is discussed in:
A. being and nothingness
B. existentialism is a humanism
C. nausea
Correct : A. being and nothingness
15. Sartre describes two types of Being. Which are they?
A. en-soi and poar-soi
B. sein and zeit
C. being and time
D. yin and yang
Correct : A. en-soi and poar-soi
16. Who coined the phrase “Existentialism Precedes the Essence”?
A. heidegger
B. jaspers
C. sartre
D. kierkegaard
Correct : C. sartre
17. Which among the list is considered as a characteristic feature of Existentialism?
A. spiritualism
B. fatalism
C. fundamentalism
D. freedom
Correct : C. fundamentalism
18. The word pragmatism is derived from the Greek term:
A. pragmatikos
B. pramaticus
C. pragma
D. practicous
Correct : A. pragmatikos
19. The Greek word Pragmatikos means:
A. purpose
B. prior
C. practical
D. partial
Correct : C. practical
20. A.J. Ayer’s version of Logical positivism is known as:
A. logical empiricism
B. logical atomism
C. logical monism
D. radical positivism
Correct : A. logical empiricism
21. A. J. Ayer’s popular book------------------------ popularised the tenets of Logical Positivism.
A. logical atomism
B. philosophy of logical syntax
C. language truth and logic
D. principia mathematica
Correct : C. language truth and logic
22. Logical Positivists formulated the--------------------- principle the basic criterion for meaning-fullness of a proposition.
A. correspondenc
B. verification
C. coherence
D. internality
Correct : B. verification
23. According to Logical Positivists metaphysical propositions are:
A. temporal
B. meaningful
C. sensible.
D. meaningless
Correct : D. meaningless
24. Rudolf Carnap wrote that metaphysical propositions are:
A. neither true nor false
B. true or false
C. true
D. either true or false
Correct : A. neither true nor false
25. Which one is considered as the most popular work of Wittgenstein?
A. logical atomism
B. philosophy of logical syntax
C. language truth and logic
D. tractatus logico-philosophicus
Correct : D. tractatus logico-philosophicus
26. According to Russell the method of philosophy must be:
A. descriptive
B. analytical
C. critical
D. deductive
Correct : B. analytical
27. To Wittgenstein, the philosophical problems are not problems but they are:
A. metaphysical issues
B. epistemological issues
C. language puzzles
D. logical puzzles
Correct : C. language puzzles
28. . ‘Philosophical problems arises where language goes n a holiday’. Who made this statement?
A. russel
B. wittgenstein
C. ryle
D. austin
Correct : B. wittgenstein
29. Wittgenstein describes, philosophy is not a doctrine but:
A. an activity
B. a fact
C. a state
D. a theory
Correct : A. an activity
30. According to Wittgenstein, proposition --------------------- the reality.
A. describes
B. explains
C. pictures
D. analyse
Correct : C. pictures
31. In Wittgenstein’s view, elementary proposition corresponds to the:
A. fact
B. name
C. atomic fact
D. molecular fact
Correct : C. atomic fact
32. Fregean theory of meaning is called:
A. theory of description
B. theory of sense and reference
C. theory of atomis
D. picture theory
Correct : B. theory of sense and reference
33. Who wrote Begriffsschrift?
A. russell
B. frege
C. ryle
D. moore
Correct : B. frege
34. Who is treated as the founder of Analytical philosophy?
A. frege
B. russell
C. wittgenstein
D. moore
Correct : A. frege
35. “Morning star is Evening star”. This statement is related with Frege’ notion of:
A. concept and object
B. identity
C. sense and reference
D. description
Correct : C. sense and reference
36. The concept ‘intentionality’ is introduced by:
A. husserl
B. brentano
C. frege
D. heidegger
Correct : B. brentano
37. The psychological acts like perceiving, believing, evaluating, remembering, etc. are called as------------------ by Husserl.
A. intentional content
B. intentional act
C. intentional object
D. intentional
Correct : B. intentional act
38. Which one among the following is not a character of Existentialism?
A. pessimism
B. dignity of man
C. essence is supreme
D. subjectivity
Correct : C. essence is supreme
39. Who coined the term Existentialism?
A. heidegger
B. jaspers
C. marcel
D. kierkegaard
Correct : B. jaspers
40. Method of reduction is related with:
A. phenomenology
B. existentialism
C. analytical philosophy
Correct : A. phenomenology