
Indian aesthetics | Set 2

1. _____________ is the author of Kavya-meemaamsa.

Correct : A. rajashekhara

2. Madhurya, ojas and prasada are thethree qualities according to ________ .

Correct : A. bhamaha

3. According to Bhamaha, Dandin and Udbhata the essential element of Kavyawas ___________ .

Correct : A. alamkara

4. According to Kshemendra __________is the very life of Kavya.

Correct : D. aucitya

5. __________ treats Rasa as an aspect of Alamkara.

Correct : A. bhamaha

6. Bharata'sNatyasastra mentions ________ alamkaras .

Correct : D. four

7. Bharata'sNatyasastra mentions ________ gunasof Poetic composition.

Correct : A. ten

8. Vaman defines ___________ as particular arrangement of words.

Correct : A. riti

9. Vamanadiscusses _____________types of riti .

Correct : A. three

10. According to Vamanathe ________ riti abounds in thegunasojas and kanti.

Correct : D. gaudi

11. ________ritiis endowed with the gunasmadhurya and saukumarya

Correct : B. panchali

12. According ___________ 'Vakroktihkavyajivitam'

Correct : C. kuntaka

13. _________divided poetry into three classes (a) vakrokti, (b) svabhlivokti (c) rasokti.

Correct : B. bhoja

14. MahimaBhatta who wrote ___________ tried to comprehend all ideas of dhvani in the process of anumana .

Correct : D. \vyakti-viveka\

15. ____________ considers aucitya as the essence of rasa.

Correct : A. ksemendra

16. Upama ,Dipaka , Rupaka and yamaka are the four ___________ mentioned in Natyasastra .

Correct : A. alamkaras

17. Bhamaka Divides alamkaras into _____ groups.

Correct : B. four

18. ____________ treats rasa as rasavatalamkara .

Correct : D. bhahama

19. Vamana equates beauty with _________.

Correct : A. alamkara

20. Upamaand rupaka are __________ .

Correct : A. arthalamkaras

21. Anuprasa and yamaka are ___________ .

Correct : B. sabdalamkaras

22. ________ defines poetry as a word promoting delight.

Correct : A. jagannath

23. _______ defines poetry as that union of sound and sense which is devoid of poetic flaws and is embodied with gunas.

Correct : B. vamana

24. _________ defines poetry as the union of sound and sense which express alamkaras.

Correct : B. vamana

25. According to Vamanriti is the soul of poetry and all the beautifying elements of it can be included in the ____ guans accepted by him

Correct : B. 20

26. Alamkaravadins regard the _____ as the sovereign virtue of poetry.

Correct : B. alamkara

27. The three architectural traditions in India are ____________

Correct : B. saiva , brahma , maya

28. Samaranganasutradhara is attributed to __________

Correct : C. bhoja

29. Visnudharmottarapurana presents the _____________ architectural tradition.

Correct : C. brahma

30. According to chitra sutra there are _________ types of painting

Correct : B. four

31. Satya and nagara are the types ________

Correct : B. paintings

32. Hamsaand Ruchakaare the types of ____________ .

Correct : A. human figures

33. Patra and binduja are styles of _____________.

Correct : B. paintings

34. __________ is the heavenly architect .

Correct : A. visvakarma

35. ___________ was the architect of demons.

Correct : B. maya

36. Nagara, Dravida and Vesura are styles of __________.

Correct : C. architecture

37. Manasara is a book on _________.

Correct : A. sculpture

38. The idea of vastubhramavada is found in ________ Upanishad.

Correct : B. taitariya

39. __________ is the upaveda od samaveda .

Correct : C. gandharvaveda

40. _____________ is the author of Vakyapadiya.

Correct : A. bhartrahari

41. According to _______ Speech is an outward form of consciousness.

Correct : B. vakyapadiya

42. Vakyapadiya, asserts the identity of the Sabdatattva (the Word principle) with the _______________ .

Correct : A. absolute reality

43. According to Bharatrahari _________ is the finest means to highest truth.

Correct : C. grammar

44. The four fold division of vak has its origin in __________ .

Correct : C. rigveda

45. According to _____________ sabdatattva is the root cause of everything.

Correct : D. bhartrahari

46. According to ____________Sabdatattvamanifestsinto three stages :Pashyanti, Madhyamā and Vaikhari.

Correct : D. bhartrahari

47. _____ is the unspoken thought that instinctively springs up and which is visualised, within one’s self.

Correct : B. pashyanti

48. When silently reading we are at the level of ___________ .

Correct : C. madhyama

49. The manifest level of speech is ________ .

Correct : D. vaikhari

50. Sabarabhasya is the commentary of ____________ .

Correct : A. purvamimamsa sutra

51. Abhihitanvaya theory is advocatedby ____________ .

Correct : B. kumarila

52. Anvitabhidanatheory is advocated by _______________ .

Correct : A. prabhakara

53. According to Patanjalisabda is _____ .

Correct : A. nitya

54. the relation between word and meaning is eternal according to _________.

Correct : D. all three

55. ________is the causeof utterance and the cause of understanding

Correct : A. sphota

56. __________ is the author of ashtadhyayi

Correct : C. panini

57. _________ is the author of Mahabhasya .

Correct : A. patanjali

58. Katyayana’s __________ is an elaboration of Panini’s ashtdhyayi.

Correct : A. varttika

59. The first kanda of vakyapadiya is ________

Correct : B. brahma kanda

60. __________ kanda of vakyapdiya contains different conceptions of sentence.

Correct : A. vakyakanda

61. Vakypadiya represents a kind of _________ in which language principle stands ultimately as the source of entire material existence.

Correct : A. linguistic monism

62. The doctrine of _____________ asserts that the ultimate reality, brahman , is the imperishable principle of language.

Correct : B. sabdabrahman

63. _________ stands for real word and _________ stands for physical sound

Correct : A. sphota , dhwani

64. According to bartrahari as a linguistic reality the sentence is a __________ unit.

Correct : A. indivisible ,

65. A linguistic expression conceived as a single unit is referred as _________.

Correct : C. sphota

66. ____________ consider a sentence to be primary unit and believe that words are analytically derived from sentences.

Correct : A. vakyavadins

67. According to padavadin sentence meaning is understood only when all the ____ come together.

Correct : B. words

68. __________ is the author of dhvanyaloka.

Correct : B. anandhavardhana

69. __________ is a commentary on Dhvanyaloka by Abhinavagupta .

Correct : A. locana

70. Hrdayadarpana of __________ is critical of the theory of suggestion.

Correct : A. bhattanayaka

71. __________ a reputed logician of Kashmir was of the opinion that dhvani does not deserve any serious attenssion at all.

Correct : C. jayanyhabhatta

72. According to bhattanayaka poetic language has the three fold power of Abhitha ,bhavakatva and ______________

Correct : B. bhojakatva

73. Mahimabhatta is the author of ------------.

Correct : B. vyaktivivieka

74. Nyaya admits two kinds of meaning ___________ and __________’

Correct : B. abhita and laksana

75. According to ________________ dhvani is a type of inference

Correct : A. mahimabhatta

76. According to mukulabhattadhvani can be explained by ______

Correct : C. lakshan

77. When suggested sense arise naturally in a poem it is called

Correct : C. dhvanikavya

78. When suggested sense is subordinate to explicit sense then the poem is called ________ .

Correct : B. gunibhutavyangyakavya

79. DhvaniKavya has ___ principal varities.

Correct : A. five

80. In the seventh century _____ school divided in to two sub schools under the aegis of kumarillabhatta and prabhakara.

Correct : A. mimamsa

81. The element of suggestion is not present at all in _____ .

Correct : A. chitrakavya

82. Sangitaratnakara is an encyclopedic work on indian _______ .

Correct : D. music

83. __________ is the author of sangitaratnakara.

Correct : D. sarangadeva

84. ________ wrote a commentary on Sangitaratnakara

Correct : B. simhabhupala

85. ____________ is not a commentary on sangitaratnakara

Correct : D. locana

86. The spiritual value of music was recognized in ______ upanisad.

Correct : A. chandogya