1. The immediate inference in which subject and predicate are interchanged is
known as:
Correct : A. conversion
2. The immediate inference in which the quality of a proposition is changed
without change in the meaning is known as:
Correct : B. obversion
3. Two propositions having the same subject and predicate, differ in quality
only, the opposed propositions are called:
Correct : A. contraries
4. Two propositions having the same subject and predicate, differ in quantity
only, the opposed propositions are called :
Correct : B. sub-contraries
5. Immediate inference in which from a given proposition another proposition
having the contradictory of the given predicate as it’s subject is inferred is called:
Correct : C. contraposition
6. The partial contrapositive of ‘All dealers are producers’:
Correct : A. no non-producers are dealers
7. The full contrapositive of ‘All dealers are producers’:
Correct : B. no non-producers are non-dealers
8. The partial contrapositive of ‘No dealers are producers’:
Correct : A. some non-producers are dealers
9. The partial contrapositive of ‘Some dealers are not producers’:
Correct : A. some non-producers are dealers
10. The full contrapositive of ‘Some dealers are not producers’:
Correct : B. some non-producers are not non- dealers
11. Name the fallacy: Ram is my friend Mohan is Ram’s friend Therefore, Mohan is my friend
Correct : A. fallacy of four terms
12. Name the fallacy:
No courageous creature flies The eagle is a courageous creature Therefore, the eagle does not fly
Correct : B. ambiguous major
13. Name the fallacy:
No man is made of paper All pages are men Therefore,No pages are made of paper
Correct : C. ambiguous minor
14. Name the fallacy: All men are mortal All dogs are mortal Therefore, All men are dogs
Correct : A. undistribute middle
15. Name the fallacy:
Some intelligent persons are wise No wise persons are king Therefore, Some kings are not intelligent
Correct : B. illicit major
16. Identify the fallacy:
All men are mortal All men are intelligent Therefore, All intelligent persons are mortal
Correct : C. illicit minor
17. No Indians are ungrateful
All Indians are religious Therefore ,No religious person is ungrateful
Correct : C. illicit minor
18. Identify the fallacy:
All girls are shy This boy is shy Therefore , This boy is girl
Correct : A. undistributed middle
19. Identify the fallacy:
Al college teachers are graduates He is not a college teacher Therefore , He is not a graduate
Correct : B. illicit major
20. Identify the fallacy:
All cows are quadrupeds No dogs are cows Therefore , No dogs are quadrupeds
Correct : B. illicit major
21. Identify the fallacy:
All fishes live in water All frogs live in water Therefore ,All frogs are fishes
Correct : A. undistributed middle
22. Identify the fallacy:
All cold is dispelled by heat His ailment is cold Therefore , His ailment can be dispelled by heat
Correct : D. ambiguous middle
23. Identify the fallacy:
Light is the opposite of darkness My purse is light Therefore ,my purse is the opposite of darkness
Correct : D. ambiguous middle
24. . Identify the fallacy:
Red is a colour Blood is red Therefore ,blood is a colour
Correct : D. ambiguous middle
25. Identify the fallacy:
All planets are round A wheel is round Therefore , a wheel is a planet
Correct : A. undistributed middle
26. Identify the fallacy:
All soldiers serve their country Women are not soldiers Therefore , women do not serve their country
Correct : B. illicit major
27. Identify the fallacy:
All men are selfish No apes are men Therefore ,No apes are selfish
Correct : B. illicit major
28. In a syllogism, the predicate of the conclusion is called the …………..
Correct : A. major term
29. In a syllogism, the subject of the conclusion is called the……………..
Correct : B. minor term
30. In a syllogism, the term common to both major and minor premises is called
the …………………..
Correct : C. middle term
31. ……………….. is a fallacy which occurs when a syllogism uses its major
terms in one sense in the major premise and in a different sense in the conclusion.
Correct : A. ambiguous major
32. ……………….. is a fallacy which occurs when a syllogism uses its minor
terms in one sense in the minor premise and in a different sense in the conclusion.
Correct : B. ambiguous minor
33. ……………….. is a fallacy which occurs when a syllogism uses its middle
terms in one sense in the minor premise and in a different sense in the major premise.
Correct : C. ambiguous middle
34. In syllogism if the middle term is undistributed in both the premises the
fallacy ………………. occurs.
Correct : A. undistributed middle
35. In a syllogism the fallacy ……………… occurs when the major term which is
not disturbed in the major premise is distributed in the conclusion.
Correct : C. undistributed major
36. In a syllogism the fallacy ……………… occurs when the minor term which is
not disturbed in the minor premise is distributed in the conclusion.
Correct : B. illicit minor
37. In a syllogism, if one premise is negative, the conclusion must be ………….
Correct : C. negative
38. In a syllogism, if the conclusion is negative one premise must be ………..
Correct : C. negative
39. In a syllogism, if any one premise is particular the conclusion must be ……
Correct : A. particular
40. Identify the fallacy:
Some animals are beasts Some animals are birds Therefore, Some birds are beasts
Correct : A. undistributed middle
41. Identify the fallacy:
All businessmen are rich No businessmen are socialists Therefore, no socialists are rich