1. When did the Indian National Congress adopt the Fundamental Rights Resolution?
Correct : A. 1931
2. Which mass movement of the Indian National Congress was launched by the Nagpur
Session in 1920?
Correct : B. non-cooperation movement
3. Who was the chairman of the All-Parties Conference met in Delhi to draft a constitution for
India in 1928?
Correct : C. motilal nehru
4. In which year did the British government agree that the framing of the Constitution for India
would be 'primarily the responsibility of Indians themselves?
Correct : A. 1940
5. When did the Cabinet Mission visit India?
Correct : D. 1946
6. Which article of Indian constitution abolished untouchability?
Correct : B. article 17
7. Which article of Indian constitution promises to every citizen 'equality before the law or the
equal protection of law?
Correct : A. article 14
8. Name the article of the Constitution constitutes the Direct Principles of State Policy.
Correct : A. articles 36 to 51
9. Which Greek philosopher said, justice, virtue and rights change in accordance with
constitutions and circumstances?
Correct : C. aristotle
10. Who was Babylonian king issued a set of laws?
Correct : A. hammurabi
11. Name the author of the work politics?
Correct : B. aristotle
12. In which year did the English king issue the Magna Carta?
Correct : A. 1215
13. Which country issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens in 1789?
Correct : B. france
14. Who used the term ‘human rights’ for the first time?
Correct : A. thomas paine
15. Which county issued Bill of Rights in the year 1689?
Correct : B. england
16. Who issued Four Freedoms?
Correct : C. frakline
17. Which organ of the UNO directly concerned with human rights?
Correct : A. economic and social council
18. In which year did the UNO establish a commission on the status of women?
Correct : D. 1946
19. Who devised the term genocide?
Correct : A. raphael lemkin
20. What is meant by apartheid?
Correct : C. segregation
21. What is meant by begar ?
Correct : A. forced labour
22. What does article 24 of Indian constitution stand for?
Correct : A. elimination of child labour
23. When did the national Commission on Human Rights (NCHR) establish in India?
Correct : C. 1993
24. What does OAU stand for?
Correct : A. organization of african unity
25. When did The Council of Europe create?
Correct : D. 1949
26. What is the area of the jurisdiction of the Council of Europe?
Correct : A. inter-state cases and individual applications
27. When did the ILO become a specialized agency of UNO?
Correct : D. 1946
28. Which is the Specialized Agency responsible for education, science, including social
sciences, and culture within the United Nations system?
Correct : A. unesco
29. When did the UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education entered into force?
Correct : B. 1962
30. Name the UN agencies having special implementation procedures for the protection of
human rights within their own fields of competence?
Correct : A. unesco &ilo
31. When did The United Nations Centre for Human Rights establish?
Correct : D. 1982
32. When did the UNO observe international year of women?
Correct : C. 1975
33. Which article of Indian constitution prohibits traffic in human beings including children?
Correct : C. article 23
34. Which article of Indian constitution prohibit Child labour ?
Correct : B. article 24
35. When was the International year of children observed?
Correct : D. 1979
36. When was the decade of women observed?
Correct : A. 1975—1985
37. Where does the United Nations Commission on Human Rights meet?
Correct : A. geneva
38. When was apartheid eradicated in South Africa?
Correct : B. 1994
39. The year 1985 was designated as International __________ Year.
Correct : C. youth
40. Which country originally suggested the idea of an international treaty on the rights of the
Correct : A. poland
41. Which United Nations council selects the members of the Commission on Human Rights?
Correct : A. the economic and social council*
42. Who founded Amnesty Internal?
Correct : C. peter beneson
43. When did the Amnesty internal form?
Correct : D. 1961
44. Which organ is the final authority of the Amnesty Internal?
Correct : A. international council
45. Where is the Head quarter of Human Rights Watch?
Correct : A. new yor
46. When did the Human rights Watch establish?
Correct : D. 1978
47. Which country in the world has the largest number of NGOs?
Correct : A. usa
48. Which is the largest national based NGO in India in the field of human rights?
Correct : A. pucl
49. Which NGO in the field of human rights was born in the time of emergency in India?
Correct : A. puc
50. Which article of Indian constitution prohibits traffic in women?
Correct : B. article 23
51. Where was the World Conference on Racism held in 2001?
Correct : A. durban
52. Which state does Irom sharmila belong to?
Correct : A. manipur
53. Which international organization described Irom Sharmila as prisoner of conscience in 2013?
Correct : B. amnesty international
54. The magazine Chaalaram is association with which country?
Correct : D. sri lanka
55. What are the two countries involved in Abu Garib prison torture?
Correct : B. iraq and usa
56. To which country the organization called Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) belong ?
Correct : A. india
57. Whose name is associated with CJP?
Correct : A. teesta setalvad
58. Which article banned untouchability?
Correct : A. article 17
59. Who was the civil rights activist delivered the famous ‘I have a dream’ speech?
Correct : B. martin luther king
60. Whose name is associated with Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955?