1. Who wrote Second Sex, an important work of feminism?
Correct : A. simon de bouveur
2. Who was the person who led the Chavadar lake satyagraha on 25 December 1927?
Correct : A. dr ambedkar
3. As a revolt against caste oppression Dr Ambedkar got converted to
October 1956.
Correct : A. buddhism
4. Why I am not a Hindu is a work by_
Correct : A. kanjah illaiah
5. WEB Du Bois’s idea that black people could never see oneself through their eyes but
only through the eyes of the white is called
Correct : C. double consciousness
6. WEB Du Bois argued that the view that blacks were biologically inferior is not
scientific in his book
Correct : A. the souls of the black folk
7. Dirk Hoerder brilliant argues the European Renaissance understood as exclusively
European phenomena was in fact a mixture of cultural contributions in his book
Correct : A. cultures in contact
8. Who coined the word Gynocriticism?
Correct : B. elaine showalter
9. The suffragette movement is connected with _
Correct : C. feminism
10. Which is Mary Wollstonecraft’s work on feminism
Correct : B. a vindication of the rights of woman (1792
11. Who wrote the essay “The Black Arts Movement” of 1968?
Correct : A. larry neal
12. _represents a number of Afro‐Americans whose work shaped the social
and political turbulence of the 1960s
Correct : A. black arts movement
13. Who founded the Black Arts Repertory Theater/School in 1965 at Harlem?
Correct : B. imamu amiri baraka
14. Imamu Amiri Baraka was born as
Correct : A. le roi jones
15. Baraka’s play, Dutchman is often considered an exemplary product of the_
Correct : A. black arts movement
16. “I have a Dream” is a famous speech by
Correct : B. martin luther king
17. Id, egoand Super ego are the bi partition of the human psyche made by
Correct : A. freud
18. Which feminist critic spoke about the need of a room for a woman to become a
Correct : B. virginia wolf
19. Donna Harraway’s notion of the “creature of the post – gender world” is called
Correct : A. cyborg
20. The term the French writer Halen Cixious used for feminine writing which is typically
feminine in style, language, tome and feeling is called
Correct : A. ecriture feminine
21. Who coined the term subaltern?
Correct : A. antonio gramsci
22. Which of the following is a not a novel by Toni Morrison the 1993 Afro‐American
nobel prize winner?
Correct : D. a suitable boy
23. Who classified the feminist authors into three main types : Femine phase 1840 – 1880, Feminist phase 1890 ‐ 1920s and the female phase.
Correct : A. elaine showalter
24. Sudras in Ancient India is a book written by .
Correct : B. rs sharma
25. “Who was Sudras?”, book authored by DR BR Ambedakar was dedicated to .
Correct : B. jyothi rao phule
26. Who was the leader of Dravida Munneta Kazhakam?
Correct : A. ev ramaswami naikar
27. Who edited the first volume of Subaltern Studies?
Correct : B. ranajith guhe
28. Who authored the book In Theory?
Correct : C. ijas ahamed
29. Towards Dalit Aesthetics is a book by
Correct : B. saram kumar limbalai
30. Myth literature and African world is a book by
Correct : B. wole soyinka
31. A female ho*mo sexual is called a
Correct : C. lesbian
32. Who is the author of Coming Out?
Correct : C. jeffrey week
33. Who wrote the book Orientalism?
Correct : A. edward said
34. is a person, especially a man who enjoys dressing as a member of the
opposite sex.
Correct : B. transvestite
35. is a person who feels comfortable living as a member of the opposite sex.
Correct : C. transsexual
36. Who is the author of History of Sexuality?
Correct : B. foucault
37. The term oriental and occidental mean and _respectively.
Correct : C. eastern and western
38. Who wrote the book The Wretched of the Earth?
Correct : C. franz fanon
39. The subtitle of the book The Empire Writes Back by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and
Hellen Tiffin is ?
Correct : C. theory and practice in post colonial literatures
40. Who wrote the essay “Can the Subaltern Speak?”
Correct : A. gayatri chakravorty spivak
41. Who wrote the book The Location of Culture?
Correct : D. homi j bhabha
42. Interventions is an international journal of
Correct : A. post colonial studies
43. The books Culture and Society (1958) and theUses of Literacy (1958) which
inaugurated movement are written by Raymond Williams and Richard Hoggart respectively.
Correct : A. cultural studies
44. In which year Richard Hoggart established the Burmingham Centre of Contemporary
Cultural Studies?
Correct : D. 1964
45. Mythologies a precursor of modern cultural studies is written by
Correct : A. roland barthes
46. Who used the term “cultural materialism” for the first time?
Correct : A. raymond williams
47. Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield the British cultural materialists jointly wrote
the book Political Shakespeare(1985). Its subtitle is_
Correct : A. new essays in cultural materialism
48. Clifford Geertz, the new historicist used the term for the close analysis
or “reading” of a particular social production or event to recover its meanings.
Correct : B. thick descriptions
49. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels jointly published Communist Manifesto in
Correct : C. 1993
50. Which work begins with the statement “The History of all hitherto existing society is
the history of class struggles”.
Correct : D. communist manifesto
51. Who described new historicism as “a reciprocal concern with the historicity of texts
and textuality of history?
Correct : A. louis montrose
52. is the term used by new historicists to suggest verbal formations which
are the “Ideological products” or “cultural constructs” of a specific area.
Correct : A. representations
53. The book The New Historicism, a collection of essays by new historicists, Louis
Montrose, Stephen Green Blatt and others is edited by_
Correct : A. h aram veeser
54. Who used the term “ecocriticism” for the first time in 1978?
Correct : A. william rueckert
55. An early ecocritical work The country and the City (1973) is written by
Correct : A. raymond williams
56. The book Romantic Ecology (1991) is written by the British critic
Correct : D. jonathan bate
57. Who wrote the book Silent Spring (1962) on toxic effects of residue of chemicals?
Correct : A. rachel carson
58. is a term used for placing human beings at the centre of everything and
its opposite is ecocentrism.
Correct : A. anthropocentrism
59. Who coined the term “Literary ecology” in 1972?
Correct : C. joseph meeker
60. Who wrote the essay “nature” which argued that all human actions are irrational
because they try to change or alter the course of nature?
Correct : A. js mill
61. Who wrote The Population Bomb (1972) one of the most popular environmentalist
books ever written?
Correct : B. paul ehrlich
62. argue that patriarchal societies’ values and beliefs have resulted in the
oppression of both women and nature.
Correct : A. ecofeminists
63. Vandana Shiva’s book_ an important ecofeminist book saw ancient India
as possessing a more environment friendly culture.
Correct : C. staying alive
64. The main charge of cultural Materialists against New Historicists is that their
readings are
Correct : A. non political
65. A term that regularly occurs in New Historicists books is_
Correct : D. circulation
66. is an alternative term for Cultural Materialism
Correct : D. cultural poetics
67. Of the following which is not a feature of post modernist writing
Correct : D. symbolism
68. Who wrote The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (1984) which is an
analysis of various aspects of post modernism?
Correct : A. jean–francois lyotard
69. Who put forward the proposition that all literary texts have gaps or lacunae, which is
an important concept in reader‐response theory?
Correct : A. wolfgang iser
70. Who made a distinction between ‘open’ and ‘closed texts?
Correct : D. umberto eco
71. In post colonialism the condition of being the subject of cross‐breeding is
Correct : C. hybridity
72. Who made a controversy by famously saying that the Gulf war did not take place
Correct : B. jean baudrillard
73. Simulation and simulacra are whose notions?
Correct : A. jean budrillard’s
74. The term “Social realism” is connected with
Correct : B. marxist criticism
75. Hungarian Marxist Critic Georg Lukacs developed a theory known as
seeing literary works as reflections of a kind of system that was gradually unfolding
Correct : C. reflection
76. Which Marxist playwright is connected with the epic theatre?
Correct : A. bertolt brecht
77. Who of the following figures is not associated with Frankfurt School of Marxist
aesthetics founded in 1923?
Correct : D. bertolt brecht
78. Whose definition is “Art is the negative knowledge of the actual world”?
Correct : A. theodore adorno
79. Who wrote the essay “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Porduction”?
Correct : A. walter benjamin
80. Which Marxist critic developed the theory of homologies?
Correct : A. lucien goldman
81. The first English Marxist Critic of note was who wrote Illusion and Reality is
Correct : C. christopher caudwell
82. Cyberpunk is a subspecies of
Correct : A. science fiction
83. Fiction dealing with fiction is called
Correct : A. metafiction
84. Grand narrative/metanarrative is a concept of_