
Biology | Set 18

1. For maintanance of osmoregulation by animals where urea is sored?

Correct : A. Medulla of Kidney

2. Excretory structure of earthworms is...

Correct : B. Nephridia

3. Those animals which excrete a large amount of NH3 are...

Correct : D. Aquatic

4. ”Columns of Bertini” is the kidney of manimals are found as the extersion of

Correct : B. Cortex into medulla

5. Each human kidney has nearly...

Correct : D. 1 million neophrons

6. ADH influences water permbeality in the

Correct : B. Removal of urea

7. Inner living of Bowman’s capsule is lined by:

Correct : D. Colummar calls

8. Nitrogenous waste in the Malpighian tubule flows into...

Correct : B. Intestine

9. Urinary Excretion of Na is regulated by ....

Correct : C. Adrenal cortex

10. The yellow colour of urine of the vertebrates in due to

Correct : B. Urochrome

11. The glomerular filteration rate in a normal adult is nearly

Correct : C. 125 ml/min

12. Sodium water and phosphate reabsorption is maximum in

Correct : B. PCT

13. What is the approximately length and diameter of uriniterous tubule?

Correct : B. 3 cm length,diameter 20.30um

14. Urea formation occure by:

Correct : C. Ornithine cycle

15. Ornithine cycle ic found in....

Correct : B. Liver

16. Function of loop of Henle is...

Correct : C. Conservation of water

17. Ascending loop if henle is perrneable to:

Correct : D. All of above

18. Proboscis gland is balanoglossus is associated with

Correct : B. Excretion

19. The appearance of albumin in the urine is most likely due to..

Correct : C. Damage to the Malpighian corpuscles

20. The blood constituents that remain unchanged in quality after circulating through the kidneys are...

Correct : B. Glucose and proteins

21. The renal vain carries bloood

Correct : C. Away from the kidney

22. Animals which cannot maintain thier osmotic environment at a constant level are called

Correct : B. Oamoconfirmers

23. The Organism which maintain an independent concentration of their extracellular fluids

Correct : B. Osmoregulators

24. The mechanism of urine formation in nephorn involves

Correct : D. All of above

25. As compared to efferent arterule the afferent arteriont of kidney is

Correct : A. Shorter and wider

26. Diabities incipidus is due to

Correct : A. Hyposecretion of vasopressin

27. Inflammation of joints due to accumulation of uric acid crystals is called as ...

Correct : C. Osteoporosis

28. Protein rich diet bring about relatively no change in one of the following constituents of urine

Correct : D. Ammonium salts

29. the least toric nitrogen waste of urine is

Correct : D. Uric acid

30. Deamination is proccess in which ...

Correct : D. Amino acid broken down to release CO2 and NH2

31. Find the incorrect statement regarding mechanism of urine formation in man

Correct : D. The counter current system contributes in diluting the urine

32. Transmination process takes place in

Correct : A. Liver

33. According to solubility in water

Correct : B. NH3 > urea > uric acid

34. Passage of urine

Correct : D. Duct of bellini - calyces - ureters - urinary bladder

35. How many NH3 required for a urea...

Correct : B. 2

36. Loop of henle and collecting ducts are locketed in kidney is....

Correct : B. Medulla pyramid

37. The nature of nitroginious waste and their excretion depend on the large amount of

Correct : C. H2O

38. A process takes place in PCT is

Correct : C. Reabsorption of NACL

39. In cortical nephrones (LOH = Loop of henle)

Correct : C. LOH is sort

40. Peritubuler is in

Correct : A. Cortex

41. Osmolarity of interstitial fluid in cortex is

Correct : D. 300 mosmoiL-1

42. Urine produced by human kidney is concertratal by _________ times than the initial filtrate formed

Correct : C. 4

43. Involving mainly in RAAS

Correct : D. All of these

44. Function of ANF is

Correct : B. Decrease the blood pressure

45. Renin is secreted by

Correct : D. JG cells

46. In Amoeba amonia is excreted by

Correct : B. Coutractile vacuole

47. Angitensigngen I is secreted by

Correct : C. Liver

48. Angitensinogen is converted in Angiotensin by

Correct : C. Renin

49. Secretion of renin from JG cell is due to

Correct : D. All of these

50. ADH is secerted by

Correct : B. Neurohypophysis

51. It is also acivate the adraral cortex to release aldosterone

Correct : A. Angiotensin II

52. It is activated us he change of blood volume and volume of body fluid

Correct : B. Osmoreceptor

53. It increases excretion of ca+2 in the kidney

Correct : C. Thyrocalcitonin

54. Elimination f insoluble calcium phophate takes place by

Correct : D. Large intestine

55. The function of renin is

Correct : A. Degradation of angiotensinogen

56. For release of Urine

Correct : B. Urinary track relaxes

57. Presence of blood in urine is known as

Correct : C. Hemetourea

58. Presence of excessive ammount urea in blood is known as

Correct : A. Uremia

59. Longest loop of henle is found in

Correct : A. Kangaroorat

60. Marine teleost fishes excrete

Correct : D. None of these

61. Sebaceous glands discharge

Correct : B. Water, salts, NaCl, Fatty acid

62. Sweat gland secretion consist of

Correct : C. Water, sterols, fatty acid hydrobarbos

63. Kidney are

Correct : B. Reddish brown

64. kidney in human being occure in the region of:

Correct : B. 12th thoracic and second lumber vertebra

65. (1) In human being NH3 is convert in urea is liver (2) Insect birds and land nail are urecotelic (3) A small amount of water is wasted n excretion of anomia however not much energy is used in doing so. (4) More energy is required in the preparation of urea but not a large amount of water is needed to be lost

Correct : C. TTFT

66. Column I column II (P) Uremia (i) excee of protein level in urine (Q) Haematuria` (ii) Presence of high Ketone bodies in urine (R) Ketonuria (iii) Presence of blood cells in urine (S) Glucosuria (iv) presence of glucose in urine (T) proteinuria (v) presence of urea in blood P Q R S T

Correct : D. v iii ii iv i

67. Column I column II (P) Ultrafilteration (i) Henle’s loop (Q) concentratyion of urine (ii) Ureter (R) transport of urine (iii) urinary bladder (S) storage of urine (iv) Malipigian corpuscles (v) Proxmal convoluid tabule P Q R S

Correct : C. iv i ii iii

68. Column I column II (P) Excretory oragans (i) Hydra (Q) Nephiridia (ii) Leech (R) Malpighian tubles (iii) Shark (S) Kidneys (iv) Lound warms (v) cockroach P Q R S

Correct : B. ii v iv iii

69. In given figure represent A.B.C. respectively

Correct : A. Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder

70. In given figure represent A.B.C. respectively

Correct : B. Cortex, columnof bertiny, renel pelvis

71. In given figure represent A.B.C. respectively

Correct : B. Glomerulus, PCT, DCT

72. Main function of uriniferous tubules ( MP PMT 1990)

Correct : A. Concentration of urine

73. The mechnism of urine foundation nephrone involves (CPMT 1992)

Correct : D. All of above

74. Which hormone induced the process of reabsorption from glomerouous? (JKCMME 92)

Correct : B. Vasopression

75. Glucose is reabsorbed from glomerular filterate though (CBSE 1993)

Correct : A. Active transport

76. Excretory product of birds and raptiles is (CPMT 1998)

Correct : B. Uric acid

77. Part not belonging to urinferous tubule is (CBSE 1994)

Correct : D. Connecting tubule

78. the two kidneys lie: (MP PMT 1995)

Correct : C. Left kidney at a higher level than the ight one

79. Which blood vessel takes blood away from kidney? (DPMT 1996)

Correct : B. Renal vein

80. Which hormone influence the activity of kidney? ( BHV 1996)

Correct : C. Vasopression & aldosterone

81. NA+ and Cl- are absorbed in kidney in the region of

Correct : A. Ascending limb of henel’s loop

82. Blood which leaves liver and pases towardds heart has higher concentrattion of (BHU 1999)

Correct : D. Urea

83. Urea is transformed through (AIIMS 2000)

Correct : C. blood plasma

84. A person underoing protonged fsting his urine will be ound to contain abnormal quantities of (MP PMT 2005)

Correct : D. Ketones

85. The net pressure glaient that cause the luid to filler out the glomeruti into thecapsule is (PMT 2005)

Correct : C. 20 mm hg

86. In ornithin cycle which of the following waste are removed from the blood? ( PMT 2005)

Correct : C. CO2 and ammonia

87. Angiotensinogen is a protein produced an recreted by.. (AIPMT 2006)

Correct : D. Liver cells

88. A person who is oon a long hunger strike and is surving only on water will have (AIPMT 07)

Correct : C. Less urea in his urine

89. What will happen if the stretch receptor of the urinary bladder wall are totally removed ?

Correct : D. Urine will not collect in the bladder

90. Uric acid is the chief nitrogenous component of the excretory product of (AIIPMT 2009)

Correct : B. Cockroach

91. Which one of the following statement is impereble to water

Correct : C. Nearly 99% of the glomerular filterate is reasorbed by the renal tubules

92. The principal nitrogenous excretory compound in human is synthesised (AIIPMT 2010)

Correct : C. In the liver but eliminated mostly kidneys

93. Which are of the following is not a part of a renal pyramid?

Correct : B. Conoluted tubules

94. uricotelic mode of excreting nitrogenous waste is found in (AIIPMT 2011)

Correct : A. Reptiles and birds

95. A fall in glemerular filtration rate (GFR) (AIIPMT 2012)

Correct : A. Juxtaglomerular alls to realase remin

96. Haemodialysis is also called as artificial: (HarPMT 2002,Kerala 2002)

Correct : D. Kidney

97. which one is an accessory excretory organ? (CET chd 2002)

Correct : A. Liver

98. Part of nephron involved in active reabsorption of sodium is (JIPMER 2002)

Correct : B. Ascending limb of Henle’s loop

99. Haemodialysis helps the paitent having (JIPMER 2004)

Correct : C. Uremia

100. Lungs expel (MH 2005)

Correct : D. CO2 and water vapours